Bianca Castafiore

I was sure that was Emil Muzz in the photo.

Why, the bruises prove it!

The Biscuit wants tae see ye.

Willow, while flawed, is a great movie. I never saw Xillow or Yillow - anyone recommend them?

Sorry, he plays an arsehole well. Just to be clear.

I’m with you. He plays a good arsehole in Dead to Me. And in 2 Guns.

Because the men don’t make enough effort?

Wait! They really exist? The nuts that I think I remember my father eating?

She is so far up her own hateful arse as to be completely oblivious to reality, rhyme or reason. If she was in your family you’d have her sectioned.

Yeah. Why so sirius?

Make Appletv Great Again!

“There are still other sources of emissions the country will need to tackle to be truly net-zero”

“The Jessie Test”

Better yet, do a character that looks and sounds just like him but don’t cast him to do the voice.

Why have I never heard of Tongue of the Fatman?! If it was half as good as it looks in that screenshot it was the best game ever!

Yeah, I have suffered from that a bit. Can’t play Skyrim VR for long at all and any game where you flip over makes me sick after about 30 minutes. So space games and arcade style drivers are a bit of a no-go. Gran Turismo is incredible though (if somewhat limited in race choice). Astrobot has a fixed view from quite

More seriously... I think Astrobot might be my favourite game of recent years. Really perfect use of VR and just a lot of fun to play.

I wish I had the time and ability to write so fluently and coherently on the subject. Instead here are my classic games of the last 40 years, in the order in which I have thought of them:

That line delivery is peak Williams for me. It overshadows the rest of the film (and it’s a great film)!

Good grief! People are just so awful.