I was sure that was Emil Muzz in the photo.
I was sure that was Emil Muzz in the photo.
Why, the bruises prove it!
Willow, while flawed, is a great movie. I never saw Xillow or Yillow - anyone recommend them?
Sorry, he plays an arsehole well. Just to be clear.
I’m with you. He plays a good arsehole in Dead to Me. And in 2 Guns.
Because the men don’t make enough effort?
Wait! They really exist? The nuts that I think I remember my father eating?
Yeah. Why so sirius?
Make Appletv Great Again!
Why have I never heard of Tongue of the Fatman?! If it was half as good as it looks in that screenshot it was the best game ever!
Yeah, I have suffered from that a bit. Can’t play Skyrim VR for long at all and any game where you flip over makes me sick after about 30 minutes. So space games and arcade style drivers are a bit of a no-go. Gran Turismo is incredible though (if somewhat limited in race choice). Astrobot has a fixed view from quite…
More seriously... I think Astrobot might be my favourite game of recent years. Really perfect use of VR and just a lot of fun to play.
I wish I had the time and ability to write so fluently and coherently on the subject. Instead here are my classic games of the last 40 years, in the order in which I have thought of them:
That line delivery is peak Williams for me. It overshadows the rest of the film (and it’s a great film)!
Good grief! People are just so awful.
I enjoyed the book as a kid. There’s a pleasant weirdness to it. But no mention of the Pushmi-pullyu in this review... that’s basically the best bit and has me worried this film might not be as stellar as everyone’s saying!!!
I doubt you’re wrong but that situation will soon improve once I bewitch them with ‘The Jewel Song’ from Faust.
My thoughts exactly, old bean. Where to go though? They may have made a good choice in Canada - it seems to be one of the less racist colonies.
I believe he uses Nad’s hair removal cream.