I like the baby doll that instead of crying just recites Martin Luther’s ninety-five theses.
I like the baby doll that instead of crying just recites Martin Luther’s ninety-five theses.
Soooo... question: If it was a manufacturer mistake, does that mean there is a toy out there that was supposed to have a peaceful Muslim prayer that now makes fighter jet noises?
One thing I’ve learned in a life in Academia is that there are MANY men out there, even highly educated, otherwise seemingly decent men, who think they’re somehow “entitled” to sex with women who are significantly more attractive than they are. It’s like they’re the fathers and grandfathers of today’s MRAs.
I’m pretty sure even fuckbots designed to only fuck guys will reject MRAs.
I am desperate for the virtual reality sex that tricks your brain into becoming real or cyborg type fuck robots to become a reality so MRAs will become extinct. Once these guys finally have a way to have sex with SOMETHING they will be too busy to actually post all their inane bullshit on the internet.
I always find it hilarious when MRAs find women “unfuckable” while also being involuntarily celibate.
Not getting into any religious debates over this but I really and truly do NOT understand this atrocious religion.
It may not be in the Qur’an, but the Prophet had slaves, including sex slaves. It was the first thing he did with the women and children of the various tribes he conquered (after killing the men). You know, exactly what ISIS are doing today.
This reads similarly to Leviticus;
It bums me out how much hate Madonna gets on Jezebel. She will always be a feminist hero of mine. She glorified women’s sexuality at a time when every other message was about victimhood and disease. Misogyny seeps into all aspects of a woman’s life. Now that Guy is married to a suitably less powerful woman, it makes…
Grand Juries are bullshit.
It might have ended the riot sooner because just about everyone falls over trying to ride those stupid things.
He also leaves behind a son.
He was probably using that newfangled social media ap: Splatchat.
Probably the same way you managed to find the time to bitch about it on Kotaku.
When I read Christ’s teachings in the New Testament (as he is arguably the founder of Christianity) I find it difficult to find the hatred teachings you are talking about. If fact, I find quite the opposite.
I’m on my 2nd glass. And I’m sorry to hear your day was bad, too. Christmas sucks. I miss being that child who was so excited for Christmas, and being sad that it went too quickly. Now I’m all “Thank God this shit is over.”
Yeah, my gut is Ritchie is “Daddy Disneyland”. All reports are that she's a pretty strict parent, traveling or otherwise. This sounds like a 15 year old having a tantrum.
The child in question has no issue living off his mother’s money. If he finds her so loathsome, then she should only provide the minimum amount required to support his ungrateful self. But then he would be whining about that too.
If the parents genders were reversed, people would have a shit fit about how his bitter mother had poisoned him against his father. When it comes to public custody disagreements, people always blame the mother.