Oral sex is pretty much the only way I don’t orgasm. Maybe I’ve only had dudes go down on me who are bad at it, but it’s always long and tedious for me. I’m OK with never receiving oral sex again.
Oral sex is pretty much the only way I don’t orgasm. Maybe I’ve only had dudes go down on me who are bad at it, but it’s always long and tedious for me. I’m OK with never receiving oral sex again.
I gurarantee you that opinion will go down like a box of rocks on this website.
“Yeah, you go hide, Tom. We’ll come find you.”
nailed it
A lifetime of work and living paycheck to paycheck and now theyre looking forward to another 20-30 years of the same with even less job security. At that point, its easy to see why people would fear life.
We can hope that more research will result in the means to combat this unfortunate trend.
This is a story about poor people who can’t get jobs with any security due to not having advanced education killing themselves or drinking themselves to death.
Just turned 45. Is my advanced degree going to save me?!?
I thought all people were living longer than expected..? What’s this then? Don’t buy it. They’re trying to give you panic attacks or anxiety issues. Do you. Just keep swimming.
See you in the news.
I was wondering the same thing. I traveled extensively in Iran with a close Persian friend (whose family was originally from the country but now living in the US.) We are both women.
How do others get arrested in Iran for being “spies” when they go hiking in a group, and how does a woman escape such scrutiny when traveling for a lot longer? Did she have a government minder? Did she make other deals that are not disclosed in the article?
I am willing to bet that that’s not true. They probably have no word that they consider appropriate to print, but I’d bet they have plenty of words for it.
Maybe not any sillier, but it has a much more significant real world impact for women than believing in transubstantiation.
I was thinking that too. How can you talk about garments touching women’s vaginas or being close to them as being this mystical thing that can rob a man of his “men powers” but having sex with women with said vaginas present ZERO issues or loss of power. I cannot with them.
Sooooo......a pair of underwear that is in close proximity to <that what shall not be named> remains forever unclean. Does this mean that the penises that presumably enter said taboo spot also remain forever unclean?
Who would have thought Buddhists had their own equivalent of the extremely Christian right? These are all dudes so unchill their own deities wouldn’t wanna hang with them.
Let’s be fair here. I studied archaeology in school and have worked on several digs, so I am coming from a place of some knowledge. And I’m afraid that I have to agree that having an all-female team *had* to have been a publicity stunt of some sort, and does in fact lead to some questions about the validity of their…
GOD NOOOO, if i will break a nail i will die
I will vote for her, even though I’m more aligned with Bernie’s policy stance.