
: also my dating philosophy

“Herein lies the paradox at the heart of Go Set a Watchman, that many white Americans still cannot or will not comprehend: that one can at once believe in the ideal of ‘justice for all’...and yet maintain a deeply ingrained and unexamined notion of racial difference now based in culture as opposed to biology” Former

Hmmm...I wonder when theyll have a piece on men’s tennis physiques. Let me know when I can stop holding my breath.

“That’s the reason this buff Negroid Amazon keeps dominating this classic sport, white people. Don’t worry. Normal cute white athletes would be killing it out there if they decided to become the double-muscled clydesdale that this black chick is, but we have smart trainers who made sure they stay small and fuckable.

Instead of going home to cry, they should have gone home and started learning Windows. <- Yeah and some Mac or Nix yoyo will say, “Of course, coz that’s when the crying *really* starts!” : )

I'm Doctor Evil's used car dealer. My reputation is very important.

Where do you live? Just curious, because if you're an American, an FYI that Ted Cruz will be announcing his presidential candidacy from Liberty University (yes, THAT Liberty University) tomorrow.

What sort of voice/media access/ internet access do you think the women in Afghanistan have?

So, this "faith" is so fragile it can be harmed by a woman destroying a copy of a book? It needs defending from such actions and such women with brutal violence? Destroying a book is a death penalty offense? Sounds like a punk-ass god and a useless faith to me.

zombie turtles?

Guys, if your life would get ruined when people find out about something you are doing in secret, maybe it's not a good idea to do it at all.

I guess we are the "same old stuff" they're doing.

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if they agreed with him. IME, women who live with misogynistic men tend to develop serious cases of internalized misogyny. Look at all the women who choose to "stand by their man" when he's accused of rape or abuse (see: Bill Cosby's wife).

On behalf of all women, everywhere, I would like to extend to you a sincere apology for ruining all your cool hobbies.

It really says everything that, in the author's point of view, "everyone" means men. He doesn't even see women as people.

So from this part: " Here's a quick reality check: everyone — from Bill Clinton to your grandfather to every Greek organization in the nation does the same old stuff, just as they have been for the entirety of human history."

The fire of indignant, misplaced self-righteousness that looks to ruin people's lives and unjustly ruin reputations is the abuse and violation that should be at the center of discussion

Speaking as a man, I don't see what the big deal is. You don't want us men to rape you women. Fine. We've started cutting back on the rape. Or at least trying. We've even taken your requests to stop beating women so much under consideration.

"I had the cook charbroil that sucker. It was barely edible. He was too young to know he could send bad food back (even though he was practically a genius!), and the party had auto-gratuity so idgaf. I watched him try to drown it in ketchup and then pick apart the bun for dinner, and I laughed and laughed and laughed…"

Helping someone because they're poor, hungry and cold...and then deciding this means you get to treat yourself to their vagina for being so caring, is pretty much embroidered on the official Nice Guy(tm) flag.