So the woman who got scratched has until the next blood moon to kill the original one or she turns into Amanda Bynes, right?
So the woman who got scratched has until the next blood moon to kill the original one or she turns into Amanda Bynes, right?
Maybe the church can step in and move him to another town where he can be the dad on another show.
I didn't realize we'd come up with a list of what sex acts are 'vanilla' and thus expected of everyone. Care to share exactly what we're contractually obligated to upon entering into a sexual relationship?
What I really want to know it, why now? They're married. (For how long, it doesn't say, but in today's times one can presume they're had numerous sexual romps.) Did he think he would wear her down? She'd change her mind? If it was such a "turn-off" for him that she not do oral, then why is he putting his foot down…
I really resent the implication that anyone's sexual boundaries might indicate they are somehow mentally ill. My abusive as fuck ex used to pull this shit on me all the time, trying to coerce me into sex acts that were painful and unpleasant for me by telling me I had psychosexual issues because I didn't want to do…
Okay, so I get this reaction a lot, and I generally have to go into excruciating detail about why I do not perform oral sex on men (which is actually pretty horrific and I don't like reliving it), but I think I'm going to save it this time.
You're totally not like most girls. You're a Cool Girl.
If you don't want people making assumptions about your marriage, don't present "a lot of the reason" you're married as your dick sucking ability.
I HATE when someone tries to go down on me. And having people try to talk me into it, saying "You'll like it, just let me" etc. is NOT cool.
Saying re: this article that "it's [just] a freaking blow job" is NOT cool. It may just be a freaking blow job to some people, but obviously it isn't to the woman in question. It…
What a strong foundation your relationship is built upon. Hopefully nothing ever happens that makes you unable to please him sexually, lest he move on to someone else who gives him a lot of reasons to be with them.
Meanwhile, it's completely common and normal for men to refuse to give women oral for a variety of reasons. I find it "interesting" so many people here seem so comfortable with the fact that women can't say no to this act like men do. I've been in a relationship for five years where this was the case. And I "had" to…
"reward her with praise"
I dunno... that sounds wonky. A whole year later the kid is having a hard time sleeping because she drank what amounts to two cups of coffee at lunch?
I thought the new, hip term for women was 'Penis Homes,' or is that For Honorable Christian Ladies Only?
I gotta say, these assholes' blathering does have one useful function: it weeds out the men I will never, ever, ever choose to grace with my sexual attention. Just finding out a man thought anything about their shitty "advice" was useful would effectively kill any lust I might have had for him. Finding out a potential…
Loose vagina is just what men say to make themselves feel better about having a skinny penis.
Yeah, and I'd bet one shiny dollar that he's looking for a "career woman" so he can lose his job, sit on his ass and play Call of Duty all day while she looks after him.
"a mason jar filled with balled-up photos of other mason jars"
And, with porn, everything is on my terms. I can say no whenever I want to. I can do what I want to, I can do what I don't want to. I'm in control..