Because I hate myself, I watched some of this match.
Because I hate myself, I watched some of this match.
anyone noticing a pattern in this comment?
every time I see an old Simmons mini rant like that I am genuinely embarrassed for spending so many hours reading his stuff over the years.
Not to mention, unless that netting is somehow hyper-sound-absorbent, those awful little shits are gonna be kicking up a huge ruckus in there, too. I can’t recall, the last time I was near a playground, thinking, “Yes. This is the noise I wish was going on inside a movie theater while I was trying to watch a movie.”
Selfish seems to come from the fact that Melo maxes out his contract instead of giving billionaires a price break on his own market worth. Apparently he should play for the love of it.
Do they not have tacos in Argentina?
Thank you for providing an example of why Boston has made the list.
I can’t believe this is the shit we argue about in 2016 and that Donald Trump could be our president next week. What the hell happened?
Those who can’t do, coach. Those who can’t coach, coach the Rams.
2016 America: Where a 12-year old boy is shot and killed by the police for playing with a toy and it’s his fault because he should have “known” that people would see him as a threat, while a full-grown adult who rapes an unconscious woman and tries to flee should only have to endure a couple months of jail because…
Is arming the officials the right answer, though? Things could get really Messi.
If there’s anything Simmons is capable of, it’s trying the same thing over and over again until he gets the response he’s looking for.
I can’t believe George Lucas drives a motherfucking Jeep.
I’m a dinosaur truther. The truth is that dinosaurs are fucking awesome.
A typical above ground pool is about 20 feet in diameter and 4 feet deep. That’s 1810 cubic feet. According to this site, 1 cubic foot of gold weighs 1203.74 pounds (that feels high but gold is pretty dense). 1810 cubic feet times 1203.75 pounds/cubic foot is 2,178,787.5 POUNDS of gold. Gold is currently $1,170.40 per…
Pats fan here. This isn’t true.
Sound argument.
Barnes & Not Noble