
Tiffany Pollard's cameo is the best use of a D-list celebrity in this entire series.

So not only gonna bring Larry back, but I gotta see the kool aid man on his pasty ass?

The most shocking thing from the entire season is what they did to Natasha Lyonne's hair.

Or if she did that same basic concept she had but in a gown (bc she has made some fierce fucking gowns). Obviously time constraints make that difficult but as soon as she said ready to wear I was done

I do wish they hadn't included the Native American look. Sure it's more iconic but it's really hard to do it up to the degree final five requires without being super problematic. I feel less bad if Alexis did choose it (let's be real it was her turn to go home no matter what she had) but I'm not sure anyone could've

I understand Shea's more draggy looks winning over Sasha's more fashion looks (her cape was more drag AND fashion than that admittedly chic but basic bandana dress) but Sasha had the best unicorn hands down, and her rainbow was great too. I loved Shea's rainbow concept but it would've been just as easy to execute it

I loved the lip sync. I'm not a huge fan of them choosing male songs, but when they do it's never super problematic. Macho Man is one you can have a lot of fun with, and they did (I wish Alexis kept the mustache on).

No. There are some very basic rules for drag, and one of them is if you're in a wig your boy hair better not show. I didn't like what Alexis delivered either but that alone was enough for Shea to be in the bottom. There's just some shit you can't fuck up.

Trinity just secured her spot in the Top 3 with Shea and Sasha. Barring Alexis really really REALLY serving it next week and Peppermint failing horribly, Peppermint will make top 4. I wanted to root for Alexis, but when she's just getting boring. Hopefully she'll get her shit together for All-Stars.

Maybe I'm alone here but I thought Cool for the Summer was a terrible lip sync song. Very slow burn, low energy. Maybe it would've worked better if Shea and Nina lezzed out a la Raja and Carmen did with Straight Up. I would've LOVED a Ke$ha song but understand not wanting to give those royalties to Dr. Luke. She

This was my favorite episode so far this season. There was so much fun and energy, and the queens having a relationship with their new sisters definitely makes for better performances. It was obviously Nina's time to go, and Shea's storyline as a front runner probably needed her to be taken down a peg ( that's

No but now I want Samuel L Jackson to play Lupita's father

She's not hateful about it like Roxxxy

I can't decide who's more embarrassing: him or Scott Baio

Perhaps. But I think once you don't know your lyrics you're dead to her

Lmao I totally just responded to my own comment to say that

Besides she already brought Cynthia back this season.

I think we're past the point when Ru brings a queen back. She doesn't do it every season, and honestly I really doubt she'd bring back a girl who didn't know her lyrics.

Honestly as long as Nina and Alexis don't make top 4 I'll be happy. They're both fierce queens with a lot of talent but I'm so sick of their shit.

She's now in my top 3 with Shea and Sasha. When I did drag it was with pagaent queens, so I've always appreciated that style of drag, but she's proven she can go beyond it with true comedy chops. I don't think she can win but she could make top 3