Less young, whiny look queens who have attitudes they haven't earned. That was basically season 7
Less young, whiny look queens who have attitudes they haven't earned. That was basically season 7
Omg Alexis totally IS Shannel 2.0. I just put my finger on why I can't stand her. Which is too bad bc she's the cutest boy.
I am so upset. Valentina was one of my favorites this season, and while in this context I could see her not knowing the lyrics was considerably due to the emotional space she was in, but FUCK GIRL. *insert Tyra rant gif* There is never any excuse to not know the lyrics. It's not that I don't like Nina, but it was…
"Do not take off your wig, unless you got a big freaky scar underneath it."
Where are the freaking monsters?
Aja wasn't terrible and her runway finally lived up the hype of her social media pics this week, but it was definitely her time to go. Everyone else was just plain better
Maybe it's a little too on the nose after a 90210 spoof but now I really want a Melrose Place challenge. Heather Locklear can't be that busy.
Honestly the best part was Jennie and Tori bitching about Tiffani
Yeah I've grown into her too, and she did can kill a lipsync, but typically no matter how good they at lipsyncing, if a queen is consistently not serving in challenges by their third lipsync they automatically get the boot.
They weren't awful, but I honestly think they were both kept on longer than they would've been normally (Coco was in bottom 4 times) so they could put them in the lipsync together.
I think it was the only joke she made all season :/
I couldn't stand her or Alyssa during season 5 (they definitely overstayed their welcomes) but I grew to love Alyssa on All-Stars. To me Coco is just one of those queens who gets too defensive and doesn't let herself in on the joke. She think she's fiercer than fierce (which she is) and anyone who doesn't agree is…
I'm so glad they gave the girls a Madonna song people know this time. Peppermint had so much fun with it (she knew it was her wake-up week and Cynthia's elimination was a week overdue) and that's how you sell it.
Her Janet was also serviceable (she got the voice) but she was focused more on being pissy about Jinx doing Little Edie and changing her wigs. Let's be real, Coco may be a fierce queen but she was on solely to create drama with Alyssa.
I do have to agree with Farrah that the queens don't get enough time to work it out and wish they Rupersize Snatch Game. But it's 10 Snatch Games in, you should realize you gotta deliver every moment bc you don't get that many.
I was fairly underwhelmed but tonight served as further proof that Alexis, Shea, Sasha, and Valentina are the clear front runners. Shea has already won twice in a row, so I understand why they chose Nina over her (especially since Alexis and Sasha were the clear top 2) and I do want to see more of Nina (bc her…
Yes, Derrick did a very good, perfectly serviceable, respectful Britney impersonation but it's her damn day job and she had no excuse not to. Tati took it further, was way funnier without being hateful, in the inaugural Snatch Game. It's infinitely more iconic.
Her runway was better than her Snatch Game and that's a problem
Aja looked more like Wendy Williams than Alyssa.
Oh yeah she definitely makes it work better than any Drag Race girl before her.