I fell off of Dexter by the time the last season rolled around, but watching that trailer reminded me that its title sequence remains one of the best short films of the 2000s.
I fell off of Dexter by the time the last season rolled around, but watching that trailer reminded me that its title sequence remains one of the best short films of the 2000s.
Wow. Lorne just fired everyone. Expected, but a bit surprising.
Agree to disagree on the Rebecca/Sam front. They’re great together, and while it may not be the most exciting or inspired direction to take Rebecca, it’s a logical extension from her post-divorce spiral last season, and particularly how her self-defense mechanism is pushing others away. She put away her ex-husband.…
Wow. So, Q foretells of a political storm?
Can’t wait to see the rom com adaptation.
I’ve generally been very into What If...? but if it keeps devolving into being a bummer every week, I might fall off.
Holy shit! I’ve randomly been on a Pavement kick lately. This sounds great!
I heard the news, and yelled “NO!” This is absolutely heartbreaking. He remains one of my favorite actors ever. So much great work, and decades more that he would have given.
I can see the headline now: The Accountant 2: Hyper-Accountant is a by-the numbers sequel.
Oh neat! Can’t wait for this episode to win the show a third Primetime Emmy for *checks notes* Outstanding Animated Program.
That’s what’s so crazy about The Rise of Skywalker. It succeeds in unifying Star Wars fans by satisfying nobody. It’s like that episode of Parks and Recreation where Ron takes Diane’s daughters trick ‘r’ treating. They start fighting over a tiara, and Ron’s earnest solution is to King Solomon the tiara and say, “See?…
Nah. George Lucas has original thoughts and is an innovator from top to bottom, even when his movies don’t work. J.J. Abrams’s most original idea was to ape the biggest American auteur of the late-20th century.
It’s also not really Hamlet. It’s kind of a prequel to Hamlet and then the last act if the last act of Shakespeare’s tragedy had been setup on a much dumber lie.
He’s saying one of the shorts within the anthology is the best film of the year, even if the whole thing is a “B” overall.
The last couple episodes have felt a little forced. This is the one episode that really felt like classic Archer, albeit with some minor pacing issues. Still, it’s good to have that spark back.
I already said this in the “Carol of the Bells” feature, but I’ll say it again: I like my nice TV friends being nice to each other. And hey, if Ted Lasso isn’t your thing, then far be it for me to tell you how to feel about it. Personally, I don’t need sustained conflict; I already have that every single goddamn day…
So, you think I’m just going around to anyone, whether or not it’s relevant, and just making a case that John Goodman should reprise a clearly problematic and poorly-aged role as Linda Tripp? You take that at face value? If you believe that a blatantly absurd thought should be taken seriously, especially when most…
Literally nowhere am I arguing that it’s funny or okay. If you cannot understand facetiousness, that is your problem. You are a stranger who continues to show their ass through presumption. Don’t police others with condescending nonsense like “be better” when you should try a little nuance.
First of all, I’m clearly joking by referencing John Goodman’s stint as Linda Tripp on SNL in the 90s. Second, you don’t know me, so you can keep the “be better”s, especially if you don’t get the context.
Fascinating creative choice to pivot from the series’ pointed use of music and a sometimes-tacky-but-mostly-great soundtrack to just having bad songs.