Damn. I like my jokes to arrive sight unseen.
Damn. I like my jokes to arrive sight unseen.
You could say he was... blindsided.
Cool. He can take Sarah Palin. So, Isla Fischer, if you have a plus one, I’m happy to take you up on that
Yeah. The part about being drunk definitely tips it into non-consensual, I believe—but that’s a whole other can of worms. But that last part is what really irks me about so many of the responses to this issue. “Oh, it was just a bad date.” Okay. What are we, as a culture, doing to keep things like this from happening?…
It’s not so much about what Ansari owes to us, but what we owe to each other, if that makes sense. How we feel about his actions are ostensibly how we feel if others were to do the same thing. If he gets a pass, then does everyone? How many times? Where do we draw the line? That’s the thing that I’m more interested…
So, even if it was just a bad date, why shouldn’t that be a reason to at least hold men to a higher standard? Ansari is not as bad as Weinstein or C.K., but what he did is probably way more common. And just because his action aren’t as bad as folks who did way worse doesn’t mean what he did should be acceptable. I’m…
This is weird.
Love seeing The Rider winning here. It’s absolutely one of the year’s best, and I hope it can rack up a couple Oscar noms.
Chungking Express!!!! It’s practically unavailable literally anywhere else. Also, it’s maybe the finest film of the 90s, and I’d say it’s Wong Kar-wai’s finest.
Golden Hour is one of the few 2018 albums I can really come back to. It just makes me feel so fuzzy on the inside.
Well, you don’t always know the environment until you’re working for it. And a lot of times, you’re not actively aware of how exclusionary you are or can be towards women. It’s not about going out of one’s way to snub a woman, but looking more favorably at men.
That last line of Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots with Wayne Coyne crooning“All we ever have is now.”
Hey, are we talking about how the White House is now doctoring footage to make it appear that Acosta put his hands on the aide who tried to take the mic from him? Because that shit is all we should be talking about right now.
Yeah. This was a show whose whole legacy is its first season, really. And it’s a shame, because the first season of House of Cards is, in all its gaudiness and never-mended flaws, really good. It’s thrilling and memorable, and—maybe only by comparison to later seasons—few moments are truly wasted. There are even…
I’m mainly waiting for Avatar VI: Avatar Takes Manhattan.
One thing that a lot of people seem to forget about The Dark Knight—including, and especially its imitators—is that, like any good drama, there’s a fair amount of levity in it. It’s really funny at points. And sometimes, it gets a little bogged down by Nolan’s very corny sense of humor, but it’s all there. The Dark…
Hey! A new movie Lawrence Garcia kind of likes!
Okay, but you know that Tarantino’s going to put him in something, and he’ll be surprisingly good.
On one hand, I get that it’s frustrating for people like Wiseman to not take more of a stand. On the other, if something is problematic, Wiseman is not a filmmaker to cover that up for the sake of neutrality. Also, this site gave In Jackson Heights a B, despite it being maybe the most incredible documentary of the…
Yeah. I don’t think the film even takes a stand on whether or not going to the moon is even worth it. First Man is really preoccupied with why we do the things we do, even when they don’t make a lot of sense after a point, even when they don’t even make us happy. The ending is very reminiscent of The Social Network,…