I’m not saying it’s not great that she was recognized for her work. But there are considerable stretches where she could’ve had greater visibility.
I’m not saying it’s not great that she was recognized for her work. But there are considerable stretches where she could’ve had greater visibility.
So, she wins two Emmys in the 80s. Is that the rule? Should she have been put out to pasture after that, then?
That’s totally possible. It may be as innocuous as that, but it’s also a little disingenuous to compare Curtin to Rick Moranis. Moranis actively chose to have a career and a family while working. He only stopped working when his wife died. The rules are different for women. Maybe Curtin did decide to settle down for a…
She and Andy Richter need to throw down.
It is, but there’s a huuuuuuge gap where she should’ve been doing work more worthy of her talents.
Jane Curtin should’ve had a much stronger career than she has had.
And yet, they gave the Oscar to Birdman.
Now, I’m not gonna say I’m happy that other people are beginning to see how much she kiiiiinda sucks. Buuuuuut, I’m not heartbroken over it, either.
You know, I love Ryan Adams’ music, but I follow him on Twitter, and he sounds like all of my heart-on-sleeve Facebook friends, who always want you to know what they’re deal is.
This thing was watchable for the Venom/Brock dynamic--which takes forever to get going--as well as Riz Ahmed, who only kind of works because he’s so one-note, but also because Ahmed is so fucking good in this movie with the mangled scraps he’s given.
The through line of exceptionalism in Incredibles 2 felt inadvertently pro-MAGA.
It honestly would make my top five things the movie has going for it--since there’s actual life in the performance.
You know, I didn’t get very far in it. I liked fine, but I really wished they’d leaned more into the gothic tone a bit more. But I did enjoy the handful of references I caught.
I grew up in mid-Michigan, and there was one day where I had to go to Menard’s with my stepdad, and we were stuck there for hours. You know how some people have LSD flashbacks? Every once in a while, my mind will get caught in a loop of that jingle, “Money/Save big money/When you shop Menaaaaarrrd’s!” Like right now.
That’s a pretty good save, especially given that Buck Henry is such a legend.
Archer is a treasure trove of references that reward nerds—as was my childhood love A Series of Unfortunate Events, but that’s a whole other story—but my favorite was probably Sterling overhearing someone on a radio, asking, “What’s the frequency,” to which he replies, “Kenneth?” I’m pretty sure there’s also a…
Same. With all due respect, it’s hard to fully forgive a site that gave Good Kid, M.A.A.D. City a B+ when, even at the time of its release, it was pretty clear this was unlike anything we’d heard in hip hop.
I’m assuming BROCKHAMPTON’s Iridescence is getting its own article?
Me, after watching that video...