
I want to meet Sean O’Neal’s Sean Parker, who was like, “Drop the ‘J.’ It’s cleaner...”

Oh! It was the fourth season of Arrested Development—which I love, regardless of its flaws. I had gotten Netflix specifically for that, and then I kept it for years, until I gave it up for FilmStruck and Hulu instead.

Same for Pixies, The Smiths, Sonic Youth, most of New Order’s work, Peter Gabriel, Kate Bush, and motherfucking Prince. And that’s just in that decade. Hip hop is right about to take off a few years down the line.

Eh. Maybe the weakest cut so far. I mean, I don’t know what soundtrack work Kendrick Lamar could do to top “Backwards” from Divergent, but who knows? The Black Panther cuts have been cool.


I except no substitutes for Bob Hoskins as Mario.

The article should be titled “Michelle MacLaren is about to tear shit up.”

Way to go, Harv! 1 down, about 100+ to go!

This is in horrible taste, and I’m laughing really hard.

Ehhh... Womp, Womp.

No... I’m pretty sure he trained Tonya Harding’s bodyguard.

Oh Bran. That muffin.

So, Jon and Dany will definitely die. I’m pretty sure will Tyrion and Bran. So will Theon. So will Arya. So will Michael Walsh. So will I. So will Barack Obama. So will Jesus. So will you, the reader. And so will everyone who skipped this comment.

My Mormon parents did not like me listening to music with “damns” or “hells,” but I was free to read the torture porn potpourri (or popery) that is the Old Testament, since it’s a religious text.

Oh shit. I’m already showing.

Damn it! I’m too busy the rest of the week to go see it. I’ll just have to wait a few months and pay a normal-priced ticket to go see it.

I’ll see if I can score a ticket before the festival is up. I’ve got a couple days.

I mean, I’m not gonna say not to make this since another exists. Who knows? Maybe this could be really special, too. But then again, I really love the 80's adaptation. So, I’ll probably be too busy re-watching that for the billionth time to care about this new Clue.

Didn’t we see this story?

That’s maybe the most generous consolation of a potential Three Billboards win.