
Yeah... I don’t know what that was. Because every male winner did it. Del Toro, Miller, McDonough, and Skarsgard mention women in their speeches. And the night was all about the #MeToo movement. So, I don’t know how every man avoided it like that—especially Ansari, who has gone out of his way to tell stories about

This is why their wins made me the happiest. Because, on a deep level, they’re great people.

It’s just a really uneven standard, because at what point is it too similar? Should fun. have to pay royalties on Simon and Garfunkel’s “Cecillia”? After all, the former basically lifts an entire section of the latter’s song as the structure for “Some Nights.”

No. It’s not a loss in the same way The Rolling Stones coming down on The Verve for “Bittersweet Symphony” was, but it still feels dangerous to pick on music for being similar to other music.

There are very obvious similarities, but given that music—especially pop music—draws from itself, using the same chord structures and identical melodies, this seems like a precarious precedent to perpetuate. As has been stated, it’s not “Creep” was all that original, either. If anything, LDR should be beholden to the

And thus begun the universal shift away from loving Radiohead.

Oh, you know that show’s really gonna take off

I’ve never consumed alcohol, but I did kick soda and juice about six months ago. As someone who has terrible self-control, it was actually really easy. Or maybe it just feels that way because I’ve been doing so long.

Or Young Howard.

Elizabeth Cowell can never really find a compelling way to introduce a song, but once they get going, they’re utterly absorbing.

Land of Talk’s Life After Youth is easily the most slept-on album of 2017. Can’t recommend it enough.

Just when you thought this season of Everyone Fucking Sucks had plateaued, but then they added Scientology.

Oh look, another take on how shitty Lost is. Wow. Because we really needed to harp on that piece of low-hanging fruit. Because that’s just a thing we agree on.

Nick Offerman has made a point of mentioning his Ron Swanson physique was mostly a consequence of wardrobe. It’d have to be, because holy shit, is he sexy in these stills.

Yeah, you know, maybe that wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.

Yeah. I love Dan Harmon a lot, but this isn’t even a little surprising. That doesn’t make it okay by any metric, but this seems in line with what I’ve read and heard about him. Disappointing, to say the least.

Is he doing a reverse Swift? If so, this may be his best album yet.

YouThony TubeTano, the internet’s least flagrant music nerd.

Even though Kintsugi looms larger as the band’s worst record yet, I’m still excited for what Death Cab for Cutie has to offer this next year. I have a feeling it’ll be a return of sorts.

They’re doing the Lord’s work.