A Simple Man or A Serious Man?
A Simple Man or A Serious Man?
Damn shame on the title. I guess Sicario 2: Drug War Boogaloo is up for grabs, in which case I call dibs.
He was a revelation in the re-edit of K-PAX. He really saved the film.
My exact reaction.
Cue the GIF of Michael screaming “NO!!” over and over.
Part of me wonders if Hamill actually managed to not spoil anyone except for Carrie Fischer, who’s dead and cannot refute his claims.
Might watch this later on, because I love A Christmas Story. I firmly believe it’s the most American film ever made. If you wanted to show someone from another country, or aliens what it’s like to be an American, you’d show them A Christmas Story.
I mean, yes.
That’s a shame. She would have been so much better than Billy Bob Thornton.
That’s a shame, because Hallmark movies are better.
The Casablanca stuff is bad, but it’s also quite short—not to mention that the Wings homage at the top is pretty terrific.
I feel we’re gonna get an Annie Hall ending, but who knows? Love is pretty underrated, and I’m glad it’s going out on its terms. It’ll age quite nicely.
And the rapist vibe doesn’t help either.
Ajit Pai looks like a date rapist.
Hacksaw Ridge maybe?
Just in terms of pure formalist craft, this is the best live action comedy on the air. If you want a decadent period piece with fabulous production design and photography where every frame is a painting, this is the show. Also, it’s really damn funny.
Love all of these picks, even Person to Person. The only omission is the famous pie-eating scene from A Ghost Story. Otherwise, I love this selection.
I hope that dragon teabagged his stupid face.
I saw Home for the Holidays for the first time. The movie’s fine, but Holly Hunter and Dylan McDermott are fucking nasty in that film. Their chemistry isn’t limp; it’s absolutely repellant. Frankly, she should’ve ended up with David Straithairn, who’s a goof, but who gives his one-scene character so much dignity and…