
Gaaahhhh. Jesus Christ.

Yikes. Every Rose has its thorn.

I’ve heard that, as well. And McQuarrie won’t say who he meant to be Keyzer Soze.

Oh!!! I like that.

If you think about it, there’s actually a lot to suggest that Verbal Kint isn’t Keyzer Soze, and that Kobayashi is Soze.

Speaking of Louis C.K., WTF deserves a shout-out as well. That, and it’s a cracking good conversation with Kim Deal.

Oh shit! That’s so cool!

Man... I sure hope Jeremy Davies gets to play him one day. Talk about a dead ringer.

Even if people like Blade Runner—which honestly isn’t very good—in no universe is it close to the perfection of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?.

Except if everyone wants to talk about Franken, that silences the dialogue around Moore. As we speak, right-wing pundits are using the Franken news to excuse Moore. They’re already seizing on this. We should be fighting that, which we can’t if we’ve switched to Franken.

It’s hysterical to pivot so sharply to where the newest fire is before putting out the first one. And it’s not a matter of comfort. It’s a matter of practicality.

For the dozenth time, I never said to ignore Franken. I never said what he did was acceptable or excusable. I never said not to call out Franken. I never said not to hold him accountable. It’s very clear you haven’t read much of anything I’ve said. Both matters of Moore and Franken need to be attended to, but there’s

Again, you’re taking this incredibly myopic view. It’s not just bad for the Democrats. Is sets a precedent that the Republicans don’t have to take any moral responsibility if they can just get away with letting a pedophile in congress by shoving the shortcomings of Democrats in our faces. As someone who has had

Can’t wait for the television spinoff Orphan Frano.

Once again, I’m not arguing the morality of what Franken did. At no point did I argue that Franken should be let off the hook. That’s not the discussion. I’m saying that, at this point in time, it’s not the right discussion to be having. But to ignore what Republicans are going to do with this is recklessly

Republicans are. They’re running with Franken, because they’ll wring every bit of ammunition that they can with this. That’s what I’m saying. The right is gonna throw their weight behind this Franken story so they don’t have to be on the defensive about Moore, and we’re falling for it. I’m not saying to forget about

I mean, if you want to misconstrue what I said, then fine. At no point did I say that what Franken did was okay. I’m saying that the right is leveraging this story, out of timing, in order to sneak Moore into office.

Here are some unpopular words:

I typically don’t have $15 to throw around, but... this seems like it might be worth it.

I see what he’s saying about Trump. It would be better, for everyone, if he were a good president. He’s not, so Cranston need not worry himself with that.