
I legitimately love The Room, but the “so-bad-it’s-good” sheen has worn off. Instead, it has become the kind of film I think most filmmakers wish they could make—which is to say, one that is an unfettered artistic vision. No matter how incompetent or problematic The Room is, it’s the single-minded work of an

What Clayton said.

I’ll 110% take her over Alec Baldwin any goddamn day.

Again, I’m not upset about him losing his career. He deserves that. I’m upset that he was doing this for years, and I believed he was a decent person. I don’t know how to make that clearer.

Whelp, at least I’m no longer in the running for worst take.

Except it is. As someone who looked forward to C.K., and who trusted him as a public figure, it does feel like a loss. Maybe you’re super cool and weren’t into C.K., and maybe it’s super easy for you to dismiss him wholesale, but I’m not quite there. I’m as angry with C.K. as anyone else. I support anyone who speaks

Yeah. I get that it’s silly, but I found his work at a really specific time in my life, and it really saved my life. I was a kid, and it meant a lot. But fuck me, I guess.

Yeah... This is a huge letdown. As someone who is young enough to have a lot of their adult identity based on C.K.’s philosophy and worldview, this is devastating. And while I wish I could take comfort in his supposed apologies, I just can’t. I can’t even really voice what a loss this is. I don’t know.

The fact that this took an Adam Ruins Everything, and wasn’t already common-fucking-sense, kinda proves that everyone sucks.

In the end, no one can have nice things.

Stranger Sings?

I know this is a joke, but I would 100% watch this for the rest of my life. Please let this happen, Netflix.

...How is that not exactly what what happened here?

Right? Literally anywhere else, that would be plain bullying.

But little things matter. If you normalize minor actions, it often leaves room for more serious offenses. That’s what this whole wave of allegations and outings has been about: How normalized these abusive dynamics have been. Moreover, in non-Hollywood parts of the world, it’s way easier for grown, professional adults

When they “tease” her about it, and then have her do it, and then say that it’s her fault. She’s a kid. They’re grown adults. They should know better.

I guess I’m not sure what you mean, then. Could you clarify?

That’s true. It’s part of the job. I mean, didn’t you see what she was wearing?

I mean, no? The Duffer brothers can make whatever show they think is good, or even what they think people will want. That doesn’t mean they’re allowed to mistreat their actors Bertolucci-lite.

While maybe not as severe as other sexual assault/harassment cases being brought forth, this is still fucked up. It’s absolutely wrong that these guys would pressure a young actress into doing an on-screen kiss, and then gaslight her when she’s not okay with it. It’s abuse of power, plain and simple.