In case you needed more reasons to love and miss Carrie Fisher.
In case you needed more reasons to love and miss Carrie Fisher.
The Theory of Everything is the The Theory of Everything of any year that nobody asked for.
This pun’s too good.. for the six people that get the joke.
What a feet of transcendental clarity.
The only thing I can really think of is “A Beautiful Mine,” from Mad Men. I like the song, and I love the Vertigo-esque opening, but I don’t think the song matches the show very well. Mad Men is so much funnier, and so much sadder than it is trip-hop cool. Maybe the idea is that they’re trying to sell you on the show…
If there’s enough evidence, nail this guy to the wall. Send him to prison FOR A LONG TIME. Let everyone know that the rich and powerful aren’t exempt from the legal system, simply because they can buy a leaner sentence.
Community is maybe not the better show, overall, but only because Harmon and Roiland can be so precious with Rick and Morty. The fact that the best episodes of Community still exist with as much pressure as there was, and that those highs are stronger than that of Rick and Morty is a miracle on its own. Nothing on Rick…
Join the club, Kenny B.
I mean, a lot of that is either just not true—like the thing with Daniel Tosh—or just misses the point. Some of it is a little antiquated, but in his act, he repeatedly says stuff that he acknowledges DURING THE SET is terrible. In fact, at one point, he even says that he says upsetting things deliberately to make…
Well, even then, Jen Kirkman has flat-out said she wasn’t referring to him in those comments. So, it’s not relevant.
It’s weird how conservatives have interpreted Harvey Weinstein’s fall-from-grace as a blow to liberals, as if he was some paragon of left-leaning values. He has always been an asshole. That the right is just figuring this out kinda proves how long it takes them to figure out anything.
My two picks not mentioned here are “How Many Drinks?” by Miguel, and “Better Off” by Quadron. They’re right off the heels of Good Kid, M.A.A.D. City, and they’re absolutely terrific, still.
Yes!!! He’s so good in Away We Go!!! He’s good as a well-meaning, big-hearted dude that you want to root for. In fact, he can do really smarmy well, too. But he can’t exist as a good person doing ugly things for a noble cause.
John Krasinski is Jim Halpert. He’s the guy that is handsome for working at your office. He just doesn’t have cinematically rugged looks. So, any attempt at putting him in some hyper-masculine context feels weird. If he is more of a white collar drone in this iteration, he’ll do fine, but he has such a passive,…
Antiquing is probably really personal to him, seeing as he’s such a fucking dinosaur.
He reminds me of a less-groomed Paul F. Tompkins, in the best way possible.
That’s what made the role so challenging for him. He had to understand what it felt like to feel burned by a pot of boiling water.
I’ve been revisiting Beach House’s Bloom, for some reason. It’s not even an album I liked very much when it came out, nor do I particularly love Beach House. They’re fine, but I don’t eve, n know if they’d be among my top hundred artists. Still, I was drawn to Bloom, probably because I was revisiting parts of Depressio…
Eh. Fine.
Listen to the cast recording. As someone who hasn’t seen the show—aside from a bootleg, because I suck—it’s still completely electrifying as an album. Plus, you only miss one thing in the story by listening to the album, since it’s wall-to-wall songs.