
Go watch his reviews of DAMN., and To Pimp a Butterfly. It should be pretty clear that Fantano is nowhere near the alt-right. He’s pretty clearly just fucking around. I think he’s the kind of person who’s more interested in the art than the artist, which is why he can fawn over problematic figures. At most, he’s a

If I leave behind one pop culture legacy in any capacity, I pray that I can convince one person that Isao Takahata is the superior Ghibli filmmaker and storyteller. If you want seriously ambitious storytelling, and to see what one auteur can do with this aesthetic, all five of Takahata’s film’s are distinct and

American Public: Alex Jones could not possibly be a shittier piece of trash human being.

I was expecting that, as well. In fact, the closest we got to a long-term callback was the pirate bit, which makes the Pirates of the Pancreas bit from “Anatomy Park” a thousand times funnier.

Some people at work were saying the season was definitely gonna have Evil Morty, which didn’t make sense to me. It took two seasons to get back to Evil Morty. Why would they give up the goods like that right away?

See, this is what I wanted “ABCs of Beth” to be—even though I love the episode, and it’s heart-on-sleeve climax. This, however, feels far more graceful. Rick can’t outrun the people he shackles himself to, which is why he can go Tom and Jerry on the president. He doesn’t care about the president, but even if he can’t

Honestly, even if such an ambitious episode ended up being a detriment to the show, I’d still give it an A for sheer gutsiness.

Bottle Rocket is really imperfect, but it’s the quintessential Wes Anderson mission statement: My movies are gonna be about flawed, often delusional go-getters, and the people who reluctantly enable them. It’s a much more joyful film than most other Anderson films, with that undercurrent of melancholy showing itself

I feel like this really understates the contributions that Owen Wilson brought to the writing of Anderson’s films. In fact, that rawness the video mentions? That’s visible in Anderson’s first three pictures in a way that doesn’t exist post-Tenenbaums. Wilson’s also every bit the film savant that Anderson is, but this

He got a Golden Globe nod.

Kumail Nanjiani’s great. Anthony Fantano’s Twitter stream is bonkers. Most of those whom I follow are present/former A.V. Club writers. VanDerWerff, Dowd, Handlen, Bowman, and McNutt are my favorites.

Now, the age-old question: Who was this for, exactly?

But that’s what Cameron does. The femininity he gives to so many of his women characters is to make them mothers. The rest is just being one of the guys.

If it makes Hammond feel better, the internet is not impressed with Baldwin as Trump, Emmys be damned. Much prefer Taran Killam’s take.

Is this motherfucker serious? So, just because he turned Linda Hamilton into a dude—which he articulates in a way that comes off as a dig towards Hamilton, and which HE DIDN’T INVENT EITHER—James Cameron thinks he’s the pinnacle of male-ally feminism? Really? Also, James “I’m king of the world!!” Cameron is calling


Other than the pilot, I think that might be my least favorite episode. And it’s still really good.

Is “good enough” going to be enough for everyone else, though?

Yeah, but the box art will be AMAZING.

I mean, it’s ultimately unimportant. The resolution is that Rick gets to make up to his daughter, and that’s all that matters. It probably is the clone, but I’d much rather it not be. As much freedom as Beth could have, I find a lot of comfort in the notion that the life you didn’t plan or choose can still make you