
Hulu has usually been better than Netflix. Certainly, it took a huge hit when it lost the Criterion Collection, but getting 30 Rock is a step in the right direction.

Weird. I didn’t know Ted Cruz was in Zodiac, and that he was played by John Carroll Lynch.

That’s what I came for this week, that’s for sure.

For real comment.

Certified fresh. Good job.

So, in five hundred years, Mormons will bravely open their hearts to marriage equality, and even have church-funded abortion clinics.

You know what, though? As Sandler has shown us, he could start being one of the genuine greats at any moment. I think he’s getting restless, taking more serious roles, as of late.

I think Twin Peaks: The Return proved that David Lynch has some of his best work ahead of him. I also believe that Kendrick Lamar will drop classic after classic, giving Kanye West a run for best/most influential hip hop artist of this era.

Huh. Way to crash the party. Kinda like when Broderick killed someone.

I was staying out of town, and caught Bull Durham on television.

I’d watch this film. Darren Aronofsky’s Brownies?.

I know this is a dig, but Rhys Darby in Akira would sincerely be one of the best casting decisions ever. That’s Michael-Cera-as-Shaft-levels of great.

It’s like Rick is stuck in a duality presented by Jeff Winger at the conclusion of Community’s first season: Do you try to evolve, or do you try to know who you are? Does Rick believe in change, going against the cosmic tides; or does he surrender to the bigness of the universe against his own incomparable intellect?

No love for How Did This Get Made?’s Miami Connection episode? For shame, Podmass. For shame.

That was a nice Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind meets “Total Rickall.”

Fine, but without getting into a semantics of feminism argument about calling women “women” or girls,” I clearly understand this, and so do you, so your comment is null. Not to mention that 13 falls under the umbrella of adolescence. Also, I’m obviously saying it’s wrong, because rape is wrong no matter who the

As soon as I saw this, I loudly went, “NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!” at my computer. This one really hurts. Stanton seemed like someone who we’d have forever, except he’d already been around forever. Everything he’s in, he’s terrific in. Whether it’s Paris, Texas or Big Love or Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me, it’s always

Twin Peaks and The Wire took me several tries before I could get into them. Similarly, I couldn’t get into Vampire Weekend’s Modern Vampires of the City, mostly because I was so sick of them by the time that record came out, but now it’s among my hundred or so favorite records. Also, I’ll say Boyhood, which I copped

Hahaha! Well, that solves that. I like it.

Erik Adams is our pop culture Mr. Rogers, and I’m okay with this.