Finished it today. That scream made my heart light up in the best way possible.
Finished it today. That scream made my heart light up in the best way possible.
This is what happened to Audrey: She had the chance to be her own person, but rather than get herself out of danger, she leans into everything that made her unhappy in the first place. So, she’s trapped with Charlie. Her fate is cruelest because she should’ve been the one to do great, exciting things. Audrey is (or…
Graduation was pretty big for me in high school. “Flashing Lights” may very well be Kanye’s best song. But it’s also super uneven. “Barry Bonds,” “Drunk and Hot Girls,” and “Good Life” have not aged well. That said, “I Wonder,” “Stronger,” and “Homecoming” are as punchy and terrific as ever. So, I don’t know. I guess…
Even though I’m not head-over-heels about it like I am most other albums by The National, I’ve listened to Sleep Well Beast at least twice a day every day since it was released. That’s how much I love the band, and how slavishly I am to loving their work. It’s certainly sinking in, but not as quickly as I’d like. And…
This reminds me of the end of The Wolf of Wall Street, where Leonardo DiCaprio tries to tip off Jonah Hill that he’s wired, and then Kyle Chandler shows up with the incriminating note the next day.
Huh. The reviews from SXSW were really positive. I’m a little apprehensive now. Still, as an avid advocate for The Room, I’ll still go see it.
Gosh, they’re both such different shows. You know, if you want a moral descent that is as exciting as it is smart and insightful, Breaking Bad is worth a go. The Wire is exhilarating, but it’s writing is so detailed and airtight that it takes effort. Not really something to put on in the background or binge. It’s…
I mean, I get his point, but it’s not the same thing. As someone who lives and works in a city where homeless communities are shuffled around and gentrified, rather than given resources to get better, I really don’t think this is the same thing at all. Devin Faraci, a critic I liked a lot, isn’t someone who was…
As someone who was a fan of Faraci’s, I don’t know how to feel. On one hand, a guy’s gotta eat, and his friend threw him a bone. On the other, people aren’t wrong for not wanting to work with a dude with a history like his. And sure, worse people have been let off with a lot less. Polanski won an Oscar 30 years after…
Yeah, but True Blood isn’t a cultural fixture. No one talks about it. Even though it has only been off the air for five years, it’s nearly been forgotten.
I mean go away from the cultural consciousness. People will forget about it for awhile, at least after the slew of spinoffs fall through.
I mean that it’s going to go away from the cultural consciousness once the show has ended. People are going to forget about it, just like they forget about fidget spinners and True Blood.
Jesus, no kidding. Book/film adaptation comparisons are almost always entirely meaningless. Obviously the thing in your head is probably going to be better than one person’s group effort to bring one idea of a story to life. For Game of Thrones to render this a cultural phase is not something to which I look forward.
Breaking Bad becomes such a different show from the pilot, despite being a natural progression. I definitely recommend it, but don’t fault anyone who can’t get into it.
Just as a note of the first paragraph—I’ve got a feeling that Game of Thrones is gonna disappear in a few years. It needs to go away for a while. Then, it can come back and people will ride GoT nostalgia waves.
Yes, if Southland Tales wasn’t a giant mess.
Yesh. I saw that one after I posted here.
Holy shit, did you see Armie Hammer’s subtweet? Fucking savage stuff.
That’s what I was saying. And this season has had a few decent contenders, too—with the premiere and “Pickle Rick” being the other two obvious choices.
When Roiland and Harmon talk about making this season perfect, I definitely see episodes that are tight as can be, but “The Ricklantis Mixup” takes that to a whole…
Can we just call this Rick and Morty’s Magnolia episode? That’s what it feels like, and in the most complimentary way possible.