Yeah. The new one brings back a lot of the punch of Slave Ambient, which I really appreciate.
Yeah. The new one brings back a lot of the punch of Slave Ambient, which I really appreciate.
Scary or not past whatever age, this movie fuckin’ ROCKS!!!
Jesus Christ. When was the last time a sitcom had THIS strong of a run? I’m guessing the third season of Parks and Recreation, maybe? Which I believe is also the same stretch where Community’s also-excellent second season had its legendary run of classic episodes.
Theon’s On the Waterfront moment is the most triumphant thing the show has done... maybe ever. I think the last shot of the first season’s finale is probably more significant in that regard, but still. Beautiful stuff.
No new thoughts. For a relatively quiet episode, it was easily the best thing about this season. Everything came together. Every character got a satisfying moment. Baelish’s last hurrah was, has been stated, bordered on goofy, but works.
Maybe the most apt encapsulation of what’s wrong with the Swift persona.
I agree that it starts off kind of neat. It’s something where I want to see where it goes, but then I do, and it’s shit. Is Taylor Swift some infallible angel, or something? Because this whole “me against the world” schtick is getting old.
I mean, I’m not saying that I’m happy for the downfall of Taylor Swift—or that this is even her decline—but... I’m not unhappy about it. A couple cool here, a bunch of “boo-hoo me, boys are mean” there. That’s what happens when you SUUUUUUUCK.
Agreed. If nothing else great came out, it’d still be a pretty remarkable year.
Oh my god. I was laughing pretty hard through this song, but when it got to that phone message, I lost my goddamned mind. It’s so silly and misguided. I love it.
Taylor Swift has never really written a song that ever said “I was wrong.” Again, “Blank Space” is a sort of self-aware wink, but a cutesy one that doesn’t actually illustrate any genuine humanity. I’d love for this album to actually be Swift going, “Maybe I’m a little fucked up. Maybe I’m my own problem. What am I…
Listening to it right now, and just as I figured I would, I almost love it. A Deeper Understanding is exactly what I wanted from The War on Drugs: A more realized and grounded listen. Easily one of the finest in a year of great records.
I certainly want to like A Deeper Understanding. Wouldn’t be much purpose in hate-listening to... anything, really. While I think that Lost in the Dream is overrated, it should totally be for me. Certainly, there are tracks that I really like—”Under the Pressure,” “Suffering,” “Disappearing,” and “In Reverse” are all…
Personally, I think Lost in the Dream is maybe the most overrated album of the decade, but I do like Slave Ambient and Wagonwheel Blues. So, I’m torn. I’ll probably listen to this, but eh. Not as jazzed about it.
Death Cab for Cutie is my favorite band, so that was the musical act I was thinking of with this topic. And Erik is right. All of their songs about change are incredible. There are the mundane (“The Employment Pages,”) the superficial (“The New Year,”) the inevitable (“The Ice Is Getting Thinner,”) the embittered…
I can’t get into Taken. There’s no arc. It’s literally Liam Neeson being right the whole time, and saving the day, because seasoned manly-men are the end-all-be-all of authority. Also, it’s pretty great that Maggie Grace turns out fine, but then no one gives a shit about her friend, who dies FOR NO REASON.
Just listened to Science Fiction twice in a row. An almost-great record that lacks just too few teeth to be a masterpiece, but this could grow on me in a big way, for sure. Definitely one that, despite being a little long, made me excited for future listens.
I think the argument that can be made for her being minor is that she never has any stories of her own. Her biggest plot points mostly have to do with Jason in the back half, but that’s about it.
Without anyone from Trial & Error, this list makes me a little sad, but pretty much all of it is right.
I mean, Ygrette had been with wildlings, before deflowering Jon, and she seemed to be having a fabulous time. So, who’s anyone to judge?