“Republicans try to [insert action], fail miserably,” seems to be a common refrain nowadays.
“Republicans try to [insert action], fail miserably,” seems to be a common refrain nowadays.
Heh heh heh heh heh... That was an unexpected amount of fun. Good times.
I hate this, because this is not the old thing, and I’m sad, and I have to adjust, and life is hard, and Nazis are thriving in our countries, and I just want my old design of The A.V. Club!!!! :’(
Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right. I’ll show up for season two.
I love Louis C.K. I can’t think of another modern performer/auteur more personally important to me. But if multiple women are coming out and accusing him of this kind of thing, then yeah. It can’t be ignored. I get that a lot of people want to be like, “Well, hang on. There’s a possibility that nothing happened.” But…
That was my introduction to Brand New, and it’s a stellar record, up and down.
“Everyone’s Waiting...” to die.