
That's what happens when you have babies. My daughter had her moments, as well as my granddaughter

I think it shows how desperate Boyd is this season. Not sure what Ava's uncle pushing him down the mine shaft was for, but he has reason to be on edge. Everywhere he turns, there's another obstacle

I wouldn't have minded if he shot her either. The redeeming thing that happened was she fessed up about her role as a CI. So now let's see what they feed Raylan and how long it takes him to figure it out

Love Constable Bob

I agree - I really don't care about their political affiliations and Nick Searcy is vocal. As long as he's Art from Justified on my screen, I love his character. Just not feeling Rachel as chief. I loved her as a marshal and she had much better lines. I miss Art

So do I

I was ready for Boyd to shoot Ava. She's become tedious this season

I'm from Ky and we do have idiosyncrasies. Specific bourbons being one of them

I want Boyd to make it out alive and off Ava. I'm kinda tired of her

I'm not feeling Rachel as chief. I miss Art on Raylan's rearend. Rachel just doesn't have the snappy dialogue delivery Art has. Tim not holding the baby was funny

I thought he might kill her because his back is against the wall. Desperate people do desperate things. Who were they looking for down in the mine? I never figured that out

I enjoyed that too! She knew the trip to the cabin was going to be the moment of truth for her, or she might not be coming back

I was genuinely worried about Ava. If Boyd didn't kill her, I thought she was doing to die from fright! Rachel for me this season is a bit of a miss. I've always enjoyed her, but I don't know if it's because she's different the boss. I love Art being in the office talking to Markham

Oh I was worried for Ava! So she's told Boyd she's a CI for Raylan, what happens now?

Ha well friends on here! - I like reading the comments to hear what others think about the episode. It's nice to see different perspectives of same scene, and how we all have preferences of how the show will end.

I think Wyn would be very upset if Mikey dies

I loved that scene!

That's true. She is a pawn - do you think she'll make it out alive?

That was one of the best episodes on the show

I'm hoping he survives and gets the money