
I don't think they would do that with Art

I agree

Oh I would hate that! I hope it doesn't cast Art in a bad light. I think he's fishing for Raylan. I think he likes to keep tabs on him and make sure he doesn't go too far astray

This episode tonight seemed like 5 min

My grandparents born and raised in Harlan, as were their bigger than life relatives. When they re-located, unfortunately those relatives moved with them. Oh the stories they could tell about them. All worked in the coal mines, and looked for better lives. Not law abiding of course, but they've all since passed away

I think Wynn will survive this and go back to Hawaii to surf and tan

I know

I've met some people wgen I travel for work who watch. Quite a few actually. They mostly live in Virginia

Oh yes! Mikey is going to be aplexed

He didn't want to kill her

Love that guy!

That was great! We need Raylan and Boyd this last season. They have too many characters. I don't care about Markham, Katherine - Boyd finding out about Ava from Limehouse was good. Wonder if those two pair up?

I need more Raylan/Boyd. We have 7 episodes to go. I want Boyd and Raylan still standing at the end. I don't care about Ava at this point. Over the CI mess

Too obvious to be killed by a train - train didn't even hit him

That was sad when we got a glimpse of what he once was

Lolol I'm sorry. That was a good bet tho

Darn that scene where he was shooting at the two businessmen was great! I need another scene like that with Constable Bob

I didn't think Raylan, but somehow by one of his own.

Yes I think we don't know really what happened that left her on the tracks. Bad judgment - rattled by her vehicle being hit by the arm indicating train approaching. I'm with you that it doesn't look like suicide

Good ole Choo-Choo. It was fitting he wasn't hit by the train.