
Me too - I had to laugh


Come on - tapping out first night — he is no survivalist

Me too

Exactly my point - he's supposed to be a survivalist. Is he a just a survivalist in his own back yard. It made no sense

No me - not even here. I would never do it to begin with. I'm a chicken and admit it. However, if you're going on this show, what a wuss to tap out first night

I couldn't do it, but I'm surprised he was so unnerved by seeing signs of a bear

In all fairness, he was the only one who was scared over bear scat. Give me a break - why would you go there if you're afraid of scat

That would be great. You could really get to know them better initially

Better than Naked. I'm sort of over that show. Same thing over and over


I do too!!! He was funny - and a mess at the same time

I think isolation for a couple of the guys is getting to them. The one lady who has a great spot is living large. She seems like she will last a long time

I agree. I do love this show. It isn't on this week, and I don't know why

It really is. The one guy who is cursing constantly, had the mouse in his camp, etc., won't last

Yes they have to be close enough to get there quickly. They are liable for safety

Yeah the woman who cut herself was rescued fairly quickly

Survivor needs to be redone. I mean really how long can this show go? It's the same thing each season. They can't change it up, because they pigeonholed themselves into this format. I didn't watch for several seasons. Amazing Race same thing

I thought they were less than 2 to 4 miles. One is further than the others

I wondered that. To walk two miles along a beach isn't out of the ordinary