Byron Hauck

I have a small, shady front yard that I refuse to water for moral reasons. I mow it with a plug-in mower maybe four times a year because of how slowly it grows. It’s not so much grass as (in order of desirability) crocuses, moss, and other weeds.

I mean, to be fair, they killed a scientist breeding extremely dangerous bugs and selling them by the bushel to anyone who asked.

I watched the video and thought the strange mistake the referee made was taking, scoring, and celebrating the free kick, apparently forgetting he wasn’t playing in the game. Then a bunch of other referees showed up and started celebrating with him and, after a moment of even more intense confusion, I figured it out. I

I do think this can be somewhat harmless if you’re in a profession with a pretty well-established salary range. In my profession (internal accounting), if they offer me $20k less than I’m looking for, they’re not looking for someone like me anyways. They might be trying to get someone with no experience (and likely

Last year, in his down year, Bautista had an OBP 45 points higher than Carter has ever had in a season in which he batted at least 300 times. Two years before that, not in a down year, Bautista beat Carter’s best by 82 points. Despite both hitting dingers and taking walks, they aren’t really similar offensive players.

So my best friend in grad school from 2009-2011 was a semi-exiled Kurd from a somewhat wealthy Aleppo family. I lost touch with him because 1) we moved to opposite ends of the country, 2) I’m really bad at maintaining friendships, 3) how on earth do you reconnect with someone who’s probably losing some or all of his

Hockey, 2002! I finished 9th out of 10 teams as “players with z’s in their name” was not the new market efficiency.

I have some questions about “get[ting] the names two solid criminal defense attorneys into your contacts”. Do you mean my phone address book? Do the police let you look up a number in your phone? Is knowing a firm’s number sufficient, or should you have a specific lawyer’s contact info? My dad is a non-criminal lawyer

Hulu is already a joint venture of all the networks besides CBS.

Watching the Giants beat the Royals in the World Series a couple years ago. I am a Tigers fan, and I was sick that everyone was ignoring the Royals had won a WS more recently than the Tigers had. Also because fuck the Royals.

Generic loratadine is dirt cheap and works for me. Doesn’t make me drowsy as long as I only take one pill every 24 hours. I slipped up a couple years ago and took a pill the morning after I’d taken one at night. That was a bad day.

(For hetero couples, since that’s what the whole article was talking about) I always thought it would make sense to keep your name and hyphenate kids. Then, when the kids marry, they’d take the same-gendered parent’s part of the last name and hyphenate it with their spouse’s. And so on through the generations. Anyone

I don’t have a single great reason, just a few ways of looking at it that make me shrug and say “yeah I buy that”. It’s really just a statistical thing. Some people get hit by buses when they’re 12 years and 48 days old, but most don’t. Some people get liver cancer when they’re 52 years and 192 days old, but most

This isn’t precisely a conspiracy, but I’m willing to believe there are a handful of people in the world who don’t die of old age or age past a certain point. No one specific, and they’d still get diseases, including cancer, so they won’t literally live forever, but every now and then one will get lucky and live for

The people who left Griffey off may well have done so in order to vote for Edmonds, knowing he was in danger of getting kicked off the ballot entirely. You “can’t stand the fucking logic” of some guys who are trying to fix something that you think is “absolutely absurd”.*

Famous Grouse is fine, but at the same price point, it feels like Teacher’s just gets me.

If I like when my cats give me fist bumps with their head, sit next to me on the couch, or spoon with me in bed, but don’t like when they demand to go outside (they are inside cats), scratch me because they were a little unstable after sitting in my lap for an hour, or randomly stop being affectionate for a few days,

So what are we supposed to wear with shorts instead? Yes, I hate shorts as much as anybody, but I hate leg sweat slightly more.

I've never had any complaints with "Lucerne"-branded dairy products from Safeway. Great ice cream and cheese for the price. The milk also seems to do a good job being milk.

Thank you, I had no idea a good shop vac was that cheap. The little old lady who used to own our house was so paranoid that she put bars over the window wells and then hammered the bolts sideways. So I need something that can reach between them and pull out a few years of decaying leaves (ie, nature's feces).

Thank you, I had no idea a good shop vac was that cheap. The little old lady who used to own our house was so