Byron Hauck

It didn't look good at the end of the season finale.

Hmm, on the one hand I want the show to remember that Owen is an emotionally abusive asshole and break him up with the best character, but on the other he'd be gone if he rode off into the sunset with Oh.

DEFINITE SPOILERS, I'M NOT KIDDING THIS TIME LIKE I WAS LAST TIME. SERIOUSLY, THIS ISN'T ABOUT PIPER'S ROOTS: I'm glad to see Pennsatuckey will still be around. I don't want the finale to have those kinds of repercussions.

MAJOR SPOILER: In the finale I noticed her roots for the first time, so I do think they get worse.

Why did you use a weird picture of an Anna Torv wax figurine in front of some equations?

Oh phew, I was worried AMC might have cast a black person in one of their shows, or had fewer than two men for every woman, but looks like we're still good here.

No, the studies weren't specifically on Detroit. How could you study something that hasn't happened yet? The studies are over decades of cities doing this.

@avclub-c07360188a178330dad8653723983c3d:disqus It was actually 15 months, and that worries me. I'm through 9 episodes, and I think 2-3 months have gone by (They're eating outside in the pilot and now it's Thanksgiving). If the whole season is over by the new year, they could be pacing it as one season is 3-4 months,

I didn't know that and am surprised by it!

You're insane! This show already's established half a dozen characters who could center an entire show. I hope the second season ends with Piper being released and then we just keep our focus on the prison. Inmates come and go, some even return. This could run for a decade, like a show set at a hospital or police

Netflix just said they want House of Cards to become a worldwide, Harry-Potter-level phenomenon, where people are waiting for the release of each new season. That would require more than 2 seasons.

I feel like a TV "drama" and a TV "comedy" are pretty specific things that aren't hard to tell apart. Mad Men, Breaking Bad, and Scandal can be some of the funniest shows on TV, but they're obviously dramas. How I Met Your Mother, New Girl, and Parks & Recreation can have awesome serious moments (well, could a few

This is what every single study on this stuff says though: Detroit would be better off saving the money and having the Wings move to Novi or wherever than they will be spending it on a stadium. And that ignores the possibility that the Wings wouldn't even leave downtown if the state actually made a billionaire build

I'm wondering if this is particularly realistic. The most authentic-sounding prison advice TV ever gave me (yeah, that's a low bar) was "Keep your ass to the wall, and don't trust anybody, don't help anybody, don't ask anybody for anything." from Homicide.

I MAKE my coffee, because unlike you and celebrities I don't have cash to LIGHT ON FIRE paying someone else to make it for me.

You guys don't really know what a "network show" is, do you.

I dunno, if a network show has three black people at once isn't that legally a gang?

He's the one who can geek out about stuff like Jess. Have I mentioned that I think there'd be a large Jess-Winston shipping community if just one little thing were different about Winston. I can't quite put my finger on why there aren't hordes of people who think he and Jess would be a great couple, but it's