Byron Hauck

The point of helping people who will die one day is as much a quandry for someone who's going to live 50 years as someone who will live 5 million. Should we not treat the sick because fuck it they're going to die one way or another? Just because real people aren't around t0 see everyone they know die doesn't mean most

Can I bring tokenism back up? Should we be past tokenism? Yes. Is it embarrassing that there are no mass audience shows with non-white POV characters? Yes. Can those two unnamed, black dancers put this on their resumes and include that clip in their portfolios? Also yes. That's why tokenism is better than a complete

Can I bring tokenism back up? Should we be past tokenism? Yes. Is it embarrassing that there are no mass audience shows with non-white POV characters? Yes. Can those two unnamed, black dancers put this on their resumes and include that clip in their portfolios? Also yes. That's why tokenism is better than a complete

Only the first two to fifteen times you drink it. Then it tastes like golden chocolate happiness.

Only the first two to fifteen times you drink it. Then it tastes like golden chocolate happiness.

I doubt Gilmore Girls passed that test very often. You had Rory's boyfriend, Luke, Lorelai's dad, and Michel, but they didn't cross paths regularly. Even when Rory had a boyfriend and his rival, they weren't going to talk about anything but her. I think this is awesome too.

I doubt Gilmore Girls passed that test very often. You had Rory's boyfriend, Luke, Lorelai's dad, and Michel, but they didn't cross paths regularly. Even when Rory had a boyfriend and his rival, they weren't going to talk about anything but her. I think this is awesome too.

You have to let TV be a little nonliteral every now and then. Otherwise Fanny's still in bed, mourning her son, and Michelle's back in Vegas drinking twice as hard. Woo, fun tv!

You have to let TV be a little nonliteral every now and then. Otherwise Fanny's still in bed, mourning her son, and Michelle's back in Vegas drinking twice as hard. Woo, fun tv!

Why? She was clearly in the regular studio. Non-reality expression of emotion.

Why? She was clearly in the regular studio. Non-reality expression of emotion.

Is it possible that one could know there are two types of screws, and just look at the screw and grab the right kind of screwdriver, but not know the names of them? That seems plausible to me. It's not like she came back with a wrench and a hammer: she came back with one of each type of screwdriver.

Is it possible that one could know there are two types of screws, and just look at the screw and grab the right kind of screwdriver, but not know the names of them? That seems plausible to me. It's not like she came back with a wrench and a hammer: she came back with one of each type of screwdriver.

I'm still totally on board. I want to see how long they can keep Sasha nice in the even episodes and mean in the odd before it becomes patently ridiculous.

I'm still totally on board. I want to see how long they can keep Sasha nice in the even episodes and mean in the odd before it becomes patently ridiculous.

Of course not: Worf is just normal random variation over the course of a season/show.

Of course not: Worf is just normal random variation over the course of a season/show.

Better baseball analogy for DS9: It's been consistently getting on base, but now it's starting to more consistently hit the ball hard for doubles and triples. There's a home run every now and then too. Later, towards the end of the season/show, it's going to have one of those two-week stretches where it hits .500 with

Better baseball analogy for DS9: It's been consistently getting on base, but now it's starting to more consistently hit the ball hard for doubles and triples. There's a home run every now and then too. Later, towards the end of the season/show, it's going to have one of those two-week stretches where it hits .500 with

Ugh, Portland is not the third "character" on this show.  It's the setting.  It informs and creates characters, but isn't one itself.  I hate this cliche.