
That last note was a little sharp

Poor choice of specific car to attempt to make that point with.

I don’t care about you not caring, it’s like everyone wanting to make pointless comments now. It’s played out.

What do you know?!? Ricky Bobby was actually telling the truth!

Too much front brake bias would lock front wheels first, not lift the rear tires off the ground. Any racer can tell you that. This is a weight distribution problem only.

Hooray, Silicon Valley! The toxic, societal wasteland of west coast USA.

Depends on how they’re laying in the trunk.


The problem with measuring efficiency like they did is that it’s the equivalent of saying an engine and drivetrain are 100% efficient. They’re ignoring all of the overhead associated with converting a plate of spaghetti to rotational energy.

Title Nein

“SpaceX figured out why its expensive rocket exploded”

It’s also not fast enough to fly, but fortunately it’s not a plane.

“I would never buy this”

Good thing it has that massive bed and tow rating to carry the owner’s pride back home.

good thing they burned the poem immediately after it was written instead of posting it up on our country’s front door and using it in elementary schools to explain how our country works to EVERYONE who’s ever grown up here... otherwise, it might mean something.

Barnacle find.

Do you have a 2005 XC90, or are you just so insane you pulled that out of thin air as a reference point?

Are they just bikes that have been dragged into your garage under your car? Where do you store all the cyclists you have hit?

You can modify your car however you want. What you can't do is drive your unsafe POS on public roads endangering others in the process.