
This is a bit different because it’s not at all the worst customer I ever dealt with, but was definitely the worst customer experience I had. I was a service advisor at a dealership and a young college student came in to buy a car to replace her civic that just got totalled. She didn’t have much in the way of money,

I don’t necessarily agree with the methodology of that study, but it’s the only comprehensive analysis available (at least with fairly recent data - there are some from the mid-1990s, but those are very outdated considering the surge of immigration in the last 20 years).

Just a quick note: In California we call them “undocumented immigrants.” They’ve actually helped build our economy to one of the biggest in the world. Some other colloquialisms you might not be used to: “Cement Pond” is called a “swimming pool” or just “pool” for short. We typically refer to “Barrack Hussein Obama”

Why is this on Jalopnik now?

Contrarian editorial: I like U2, and the only thing worse than:

Chains and swing axles; you’d almost think the creators were an experienced motorcycle shop figuring out their first car 😉

Needs more Action Travis

By doing anything that isn’t this.

I can’t believe there’s still people in the comment section here calling it underpowered and complaining about the 0-60 times.

As an owner, I can say this: “The BRZ isn’t the sports car you want, it’s the sports car you deserve.” I use it for track days and am not sure I really want 300-400hp in a car before I really know what I’m doing. On the street, that extra power would be useless anyway. I’ll take the 30+mpg in a great handling car

I got a TVR tail light story for ya.

That DHL van making the pass was amazing.

This is the AOTD equivalent to Garfield eating lasagna for the 10,000th time.

Well, my MkV R32 was in a shop after a box truck in front of me dropped it's driveshaft, and I couldn't dodge the U-joint. Put a good sized hole in my DSG. The truck's insurance company (Liberty Mutual..SOBs..should have gone through my own insurance and subrograted, but I didn't have $500 handy), refused to do

My dumbass mechanic accidentally cut a fuel line trying to replace a ten year old exhaust manifold. It took him 2 weeks to find another fuel line and I had to get a rental that cost about as much as getting an experienced mechanic to replace the manifold.

how to get away with broken turn signals:

You have shit friends who drunk drive, also your an idiot if the only reason for you to have gap insurance is so you don't have to I can't even finish this thought your response is so dumb. :) congratulations you made it another week!

Customer won’t be so fired up to drive a McLaren again.