
I think the rear end looks just as bad in person as it does in photos

starkle, starkle, little twink.

F1 proposed to the Germans that if they made efforts to suspend democracy and enslave parts of their population, the race may be restored.

By the looks of that tire, there had been an issue for a while

At the risk of being called a cold, cruel, heartless bitch...

Funny, on the flip side, I actually use those especially for text and e-mails. Although you're correct in your personal feeling about how confident you are in your words, part of my worry is how others would receive my words and interpret what they mean.

I am going to go ahead and say that an abandoned development is a pretty safe place for some hooning.

Your list is incorrect. Revised:

They always have a square to spare.

I still have my first car, a 1996 WS6 TransAm. I guess i've had it for something like 5 or 6 years now. My dad bought it as a parts car with 210k miles in 2008ish but long story short the darned thing still ran. He couldn't bring himself to part it out so I bought it from him with zero idea what I was getting into and

This doesn't really illustrate the subtle body language that you experience in real life. Look at these damn expressions. Desire? Pain? All I see is creepy and over expressive.

Please, don't call it the iSupra850XDriveS

Seriously, this thing... It's utterly bonkers. Everything about it goes to 11, then snaps the knob off, lights it on fire, and throws it on an exploding gascan. Then it walks away while the world explodes.

Maybe he's including the cost of the prodigious amount of alcohol that must have been consumed to make this seem like a good idea.

Well he laughed enough for two lifetimes. He loved his job and it showed. I hope wherever he is, there's still a car with a strange rattle somewhere...

Expert level: Don't just notice these things, but learn from them. Understand why these details are the way they are, and how they may differ from yourself. For people like me, with no social intuition whatsoever, a bit of details-focused people watching in public places like this can be a great opportunity to learn

Quite honestly, the single best thing one can do when preparing for a job interview or just in life itself is to conduct themselves as a reasonable, professional, polite person when in public (or just, you know, as a lifestyle). Especially when out doing anything professional, you should be nice and courteous and

I'll be impressed when it can do differential equations.