
Amazing how people get so much more offended by low level name calling then, y’know, misogyny.

So many dudes triggered by “brogressives” it is ASTOUNDING

Coddling misogynists isn’t either.

They are called “brogressives” precisely BECAUSE they are sexist/misogynist.  I refuse to coddle them.  

Actually there were girls on his kill list too.

I mean, technically he killed six men and three women, unless you want to be shitty about his brother’s gender identity.

As I’m certain you did with Elliot Rodgers.  

Agree.  I wish that the brogressives on the left would admit their own problems with sexism and misogyny, but they won’t.

On August 10, ABC News reported that Betts “demonstrated a misogyny that was far more extreme than any of his political leanings.”

I am pleased that the investigation into the corruption at the highest levels of the world, would be left to the Miami Herald, the most corrupt city in Florida.

Funny how this happens the day after names start dropping. check out what kinda of cars the guards have next week

Note to the guards: Suicide watch does not mean, “watch someone commit suicide.”

I agree on the Voltron comment, I really do feel like Lotor’s end (to name one thing) could’ve done with a little more time, it kind of felt like a live action tv show where the actor does something bad behind the scenes and thus the crew want to get rid of them as quick as they can.

Now playing

Well, it was kind of a fan art moment. It’s from an episode where the characters are basically playing different D&D genre versions of themselves, and this is the one where Bow imagines the rest of the characters with their original She-Ra series outfits.

Calling someone a retard is absolutely using the word in a derogatory manner. The exact line is “Stop acting like a retard and climb”, which Tifa says to Barret. So not only is it being used precisely to be offensive, in this case it’s meant to shame him into moving faster...and it’s completely out of character, to

“a less restrictive alternative to 4chan.”

Then let’s hope someone else with a soul tells them “not here, you don’t” As many times as it takes.

It’s not a fucking mental health’s an white male privilege issue!!!

We all know that fixing the problem ain’t gonna happen as long as President Dumbass and the turtle man are in control of the country. I’ll take the bandaid lol.