

My opinion was always going to be that Joe Biden was going to start looking bad the second he had to start talking, and...well...YUP! Soon as Joe Biden had to start speaking, everything crumbled away. He’s stumbling over his words. He doesn’t know the difference between a deductible and a premium. He seems out of his

Great to see Elizabeth Warren getting props on TheRoot. I’ve been open about Warren being my candidate and rooting for her to win the nomination. She has been consistently on message and explicitly supported things of interest to black folk. I like Sanders too but his appearance on Fox rubbed me the wrong way. Here’s

Are you Clarissa? Because I feel that you’ve just explained it ALL.

Wait about 15-18 years when some smart DJ plays Baby Shark up in the club one night

You have not lived until you’ve seen an arena-full of children sing every word of the song at the top of their lungs. I’ve never seen children go harder in the paint for a song than they do for Old Town Road.

He will be cheered for daring not to be “PC”.

The more typical route is to go into consulting/finance and ruin the world for everybody else.

Man Has Never Heard Of Thing So It Must Not Be Common, News at 11

Red Ice is known to anyone that studies far-right extremism. It’s hard to police everything. It’s not hard to take down well known white supremacist and neo-Nazi channels, like the Right Stuff, which has been a big neo-Nazi website since well before Trump.

Hence all the more reason to stomp out Nazis and Fascists.

They aren’t trying. It’s that simple. Most of the social media giants aren’t. It is laughably easy to find outright neo-Nazi content if you know their buzzwords. Because it’s that easy, a human moderator should be able to go through and spend the day striking that content, or banning if a certain level of rule

This right-wing victimhood is fucking exhausting. 

You heard it here first:

My issue is the very same black people who complain abaout transracial adoptions won’t adopt.  Don’t complain, if you are not willilng to be part of the solution.

I don’t think I get it from the article, but I wonder what the basis was for that conclusion. Because if it was the just about the way she spoke or her love of her white parents who raised and took care of her and her unwillingness to reject them, then she can fuck all the way off.

Delete and acid wash emails, eh?

“Hey, maybe we shouldn’t make humans drink and bathe in poisonous water” is another one of those things like “less people should die”, “black people shouldn’t be shot by police for no reason” and “maybe the president shouldn’t be a racist” that is somehow a crazy left-wing idea instead, ya know...common ass sense.

The stupid is a feature, not a bug. A court even said its ok for police departments not to hire people with high IQs (not that IQ tests are the best indicator of intelligence).