
What a legend. Queen.

The new text will very simple, so easy even Dipshit Don could pass:

...about the only thing that has changed since 1989 is more of Chuck D heroes now appear on stamps.

No reason he couldn't be around any longer. Odinson stuck around the entire time Jane was Thor in the comics. Frankly, Hemsworth as the Unworthy Thor has a lot of potential.

I am shooketh. Giancarlo Esposito (Gus from Breaking Bad)....”

Shinji is the fucking worst.

Call it Gossip Boy you cowards!

Segment a little bland. Needs punching up. 

Or at least his dad’s wallet.

He is a fucking dork. The only “cool” qualification this guy ever had was his wallet.

An oldie but a goodie:

Trump IS a fucking dork and I hope he gets shoved in a locker permanently. 

I think calling him a shitdouche is unkind - by all accounts he’s one of the friendlier members of 1D.


Now you got me thinking about Cheddar. I need to watch something to cheer myself up.

The tan suit is aging well.

“I’m not really familiar with this entire discussion, but I’m still going to attempt to have any opinion about it.”

I’m not even sure Sanders has a dog, come to think of it...”

But that neck tho.