
Really hope this is about him being an accused sexual predator and not some anti-”gay” backlash for him liking transwomen.

Yo, quick question to HuskyBro, iculookin, and anyone else wylin’ in the comments: Have ya’ll actually seen the play?

GTFO, our society is transphobic. This isn't particularly unique to black people.

Black male allies- we have to do our part to help black women, particularly against the forces of the ashy trifecta: Misogynoir fuckbois, Hoteps, and “Black girls didn’t f-ck with me in high school, now I harass them on the internet" male Blerds.

Ugh, that MLK speech from The Boondocks is another reason why I’m wary of a Boondocks revival.

But, what’s your model for any of this? Do you have any data or empirical evidence thst shows that you can intervene in a marriage before the husband decides to shoot the wife in her face. What is this based on other than your hard-on for marriage?

Let’s assume your claim is true and not total b.s.

Half of these cases were perpetrated by husbands or fiances to these women. Traditional heteronormativity will not save black women from toxic masculinity. But, smart policies (i.e. the closing of the “boyfriend loophole”, more available funding for programs and services that help victims escape their abusive

Not really, assuming Marvel keeps pumping out content until the heat death of our galaxy, we’ll probably get a Ms. Marvel movie eventually. That, or she’ll probably have a cameo in the Captain Marvel movie or split the lead role w/ Tom Holland's Spiderman for the Young Avengers/Champions films that will definitely be

Yet ya'll can't repeal Obamacare. Lol

While I have yet to fully jump off the prison reformist train and fully embrace prison abolition, I do hope that this Epstein situation shines a light on the fact that the machinations in place that make prisons and jails literal hells on Earth for its occupants are the same that allowed Epstein to kill himself

Wait, what's the problem with the 3rd paragraph about the civil war needing to be remembered?

But Kap’s and Reid’s fight was never to destroy the NFL, radically change it exploitative practices, or even improve the conditions of the players. All Kap wanted to do was play the sport he loves and silently protest the unjust killing of black people by police. That’s it.

I don’t think anyone is saying Jay-Z could have stopped gentrification. But, he could have at least tried. To refer to Do the Right Thing again, black activists and artists have been warning about the effects of gentrification since at least that film’s creation (late 1980s).

I think the argument is the fact that his 1 million dollar investment seemed to “cosign” a massive symbol of the hyper-gentrification Brooklyn was experiencing. Basically, in Do The Right Thing terms, instead of throwing the trash can, Jay Z decided to defend Sal and tell the black people “stop protesting.

No one dismissed the “classics”, Oprah and her collaborators only mentioned the lack of stories centered around black boys.

Teach her how to scissor-kick and put her in the MCU, dammit. She's clearly a superhero

Joe Budden and Lauryn Hill over Kendrick?.... Ok then...

So ignoring the fact that Biden isn’t even the most moderate candidate (there are better arguments for Amy Klobuchar or all the non-Inslee, non-Deblasio white guys),  you still have not demonstrated how Biden is the only one who has a chance. Biden is performing REALLY BADLY. He's losing ground when he should be the

I’m curious: