
No ONe wANtS tO lIStEn tO a GaY rAPPer”

Someone please inject True Kinda Love’s mid 2000s, Quiet Storm, Jazz festival with your auntie and uncle decked in all white linen vibe straight into my veins!!

I mean, interpreting the Little Mermaid in that way, it wouldn't even be great if she was going after a black dick.

Friendly reminder that Prince Eric is the absolute worst Disney Prince, so maybe it’s a blessing that a black man (or another underrepresented man of color) doesn’t have to take the L of portraying a d-bag who finds a young, naked mute girl on the beach and thinks: yeah, I can take her home with me.

Cool story bro. We’ll definitely check back w/ you in 2 years when these ladies are still bad biddies and you’re still a wack nobody.

Great... Now I must prepare myself for the inevitable whiny white nerd-bro backlash when this show gets cancelled after a disastrous 1st season.

I think you’re conflating two different issues. As Black Americans we live in a society where we are both underpoliced and overpoliced simultaneously. We’re overpoliced in terms of the draconian oversight we have to handle even after we have served our time and should be allowed to re enter society as free, equal

I don’t think it’s accurate to say Disney movies is not a part of “black culture”. For one thing, The Little Mermaid goes out of its way to highlight a Jamaican crab with their best two songs being Broadway showtunes w/ a Calypso (Caribbean) beat.

This is a really strong take, one that seems to have overlooked a few crucial things.

I mean... isn't the whole point of this article about how Michelle found out that Barack wasn't just some nerd with white approval?

Currently anticipating the coalition of the internet’s ashiest bros (hoteps, “black girls didn’t f-ck w/ me in high school”-black male nerds, blackcells) attempts to co-opt this as conclusive evidence that nerdy black dudes are the most discriminated internal group amongst the black community.

Wow, the Bodega Hive is Marvelously, Unbeatably, Amazingly, Uncannily Brolic RN.

Charter schools are problematic, charter schools are problematic, charter schools are problematic...

Couldn’t you just show documentation dating back throughout your life where you specified your ethnicity? This would also be a very convenient use of the Census data as well.

I think your take on season 3 is disingenuous. You make it seem as if Korra and the other characters were on the side of the Queen. They were not. Korra frees all the airbenders she held captice for a private army, fought off her goons, and deliberately threatened her existence. And when the Earth Queen died, none of

Ahh, relief. Finally, Kamala Harris champions something I fully support!

And Tony comes in hot with the Hotepiest of Hotep hot-takes right before Christmas.

The book she recommended is pretty anti-Semitic, as well as its author, so...

I think there are two very obvious political ideas introduced in the film. One is based on the acknowledgment of the suffering of black people and understanding, to some extent, our own complicity with that suffering. In the movie this is displayed through the story of Kilmonger who was abandoned and forgotten in

Vic Mensa told the truth. If there is anyone who should be blamed for having XXX’s mom hear that her son was an abuser, it should be XXX who died lying to her and the public about his actions and gaslit an innocent woman for no reason.