
1) This movie takes place in Africa and there are two American Black People (both antagonists). The idea that their deaths are particularly problematic is lost on me as they are actively engaging in conflict with our protagonists (also, the woman is killed by Kilmonger, which leads to my next point).

Killmonger killed his girlfriend and then decided to become the emperor of the entire planet. Seems pretty bad to me from the jump.

I think the answer to your question is in the how she turned out the vote in Georgia. Through grassroots campaigning. Like actual boots on the ground knocking on every door, showing up at the church, the school, city council, meeting the people campaigning.

So we’re all forgetting about Anita Baker’s Rapture album (1986, post-thriller)

In defense of specifically Pelosi, she has been a thorn in Trump’s side since the jump. That’s why Trump’s only true legislative achievement has been the new tax plan. But, if you looked at other legislation, primarily the budgets that have been passed, you’ll see thst they are rather democrat friendly (keyword:

Frankly, if all she accomplishes is holding her congressional peers accountable to pay a decent wage to their employees, she would have caused more positive change to the average American than 50% of Congressmen in the last 4 years.

“...but not Arab Israeli citizens who already have full rights of citizenship.”

I think the reason people are getting upset about this particular situation because it’s emblematic of a bigger societal issue. Too many times we see men who have a history of sexual, physical, and otherwise abuse towards women (especially black women.... and transwomen... and native women... and etc.) get

I like how you posted three articles that actually gave parents responsible ways to “discipline” their children and the only take away you could infer was that children hate discipline and psychology is dumb.


I know that it’s suppose to accompany the disgusting “tap dancing” on full display in the ad but...

Black people are getting deported by our racist president?? I’m shocked! Someone please contact Tariq Nasheed. ‘Cause he said he would handle any case of a black person getting deported, right...

Jimmy Butler is really out here acting as if he has led a team to a conference finals...

This is ICONIC

You act as if there are not systems that victimize Black women and black LGBTQ members. When much of homelessness is caused by poor LGBTQ youth being forced out of their homes and onto the streets that’s not systemic? Did the white man force the straight black man to kick out his LGBTQ child. Did he tell him to kill

Except the GOP would claim he only got into MIT due to Affirmative action and political correctness. They also would find some way to blame his mom for being a single mother.

You know, good shows don't need to be defended by insulting "bad" shows. So maybe you can take Legend of Korra's name out your god dang mouth and defend this Deviantart fanart bait show w/ Playhouse Disney CGI Animation purely off its own merits.

Wow.... false equivalency. So for people to like rappers and... “women” with “breasts” and “asses” (way to be totally empathetic), they have to accept pedophilia?

I mean I would think it was hypocritical seeing that Farrakhan continues to preach a “femininity = domesticity” mantra that runs counter to the rhetoric in the songs of black female empowerment that would later define Aretha Franklin’s career. That to me is a reason why Farrakhan’s attendance (on the effing dais as

I’m not diesagreeing with you. We need both, but one is clearly the superior and is also the one we conveniently never discuss when we have these discussions. That’s what my comments have been about. That’s the point, Damon stated was missing in his response article. That’s the point of Temi’s original article. We