
Once again, I don’t think it’s an either/or situation. Yes, it’s practical to be prepared for a given situation but where does that mindset end? If pepper spray doesn’t work, well you should have used your keys as a shank. If the keys don’t work, then you should’ve had a concealed carry.

but we need to acknowledge the world we live in.”

I’m pretty sure for my generation of 20somethings, Love Actually (or Harry Potter) were the first all-British casted films we saw.

I mostly agree with you on the thin brows situation as, once again, I am not a fashion expert and have only my singular tangential experience to work with.

Idk, I can see Chavez’s point about this being cultural appropriation. Especially w/ Rihanna’s statement about the look's aesthetic being “punk”. Not a fashion expert but I don’t think Josephine Baker was thought of as “punk” with her brows (now her secret life as a spy- punk af). But, I might be biased being a black

That seems like a stretch especially since Will Smith existed and was already doing Denzel roles at the time (i.e. starring in Oscar-contending biopics and big budget summer blockbusters).

Did Taye Diggs career fall off a cliff because he messes with white women or because his genre of film (the mid-budget black ensemble comedy-drama) disappeared after the late 90s and has only recently started to have something of a resurgence in the last 5-6 years?

OK, I feel we can shade Michael B. without attacking all actors. Especially since if I were to bet on all actors vs the general public on who is the most knowledgeable (population average-wise), I might have to go with actors especially since their jobs require them to: actively read (most Adult Americans don’t do

My problem is that I’m presented as a pick-he against my will (does that make me a pick-him?). Here is a standard mid-conversation I might have with an acquaintance:

Well if we take some of his lyrics as evidence (“trying to turn my baby mama to my fiance”, “We should be some grown ups, You won’t be alone any longer, We’d be so much stronger”) it would appear Chance has been trying to make this happen for a minute and the hold up was more on his fiance not knowing if he was ready

Wait, is bone-broth an Asian thing? My black (proudly Jamaican) mom has been doing that for years.

As a more recent Hampton grad (2017), can confirm that there is a stable presence of white women (mainly athletes, foreign exchange students,and nursing/pharmacy students) that attend but would definitely say they don't hang out on campus much.

I’d make the argument that “good guys” who distance themselves from toxic masculinity are precisely the type of men who should be watching Insecure. ‘Cause most of them are probably not as good as they think they are or while they’re decent may not see and call out the toxicity of their friends.

You do realize that Lebron never really talks about his free agency, the media talks about his free agency.

GM lebron is the only GM that has beaten this iteration of the Warriors in the last 4 years. He also still holds the keys to defeating them depending on his decision this summer.

That is B.S.

I agree with you, in terms of the fact that rape/sexual assault is all about power and control which is related to the hierarchical nature of our society.

1) Only black men have the “positive” stereotype of being seen as “cool” and/or “masculine”. Asian men are PERPETUALLY depicted as nerdy, weak (unless they’re an old orientalized kung fu wizard), and asexual. Hispanic men (if i am to assume you were referring to Spanish speaking men from latin America and not just men

I relat to this SO MUCH. Before, I got a smartphone with the song recognition app, I used to dig through google searches trying to find songs based off the bits of lyrics I actually had managed to (correctly) remember from the song. At one point, I started to carry around a journal where I would just write down song

1) Any father could be good at doing hair if they gave the time to actually try and get better at it. That man is that girl’s father, he needs to be able to take care of her (he doesn’t have to become a hairdresser over night, but you got to be able to get the puff right).