
I don’t even think this is controversial. Relative to our universe (or say, galaxy), the universe of SW has the sex appeal of a dusty broom at a catholic cathedral. NO ONE IS SEXY IN STAR WARS... except Lando.


While some issues like misogynoir and elitism needs to be addressed when it comes to evaluating the dynamics at play between mixed race couples, I can’t help but feel that most of these issues wouldn’t be issues if black people achieved true sociopolitical and economic justice in this country.

C’mon yo. Are you really going to argue a gross generalization based off of personal anecdotes and other gross generalizations?

Random aside: Wait, the culture doesn’t fux with J-Lo anymore? Granted she’s a white passing Nuyorican but one who is proudly so and spends her time uplifiting many other latin american entertainers from overseas. Plus, she’s actually from the birthplace of hip-hop: The Bronx!!

You do realize that is how the overwhelming majority of Trump supporters actually rationalize his inane actions, right?

Wilt “Never beat Bill Russell (11 rings!)“ Chamberlain is the greatest basketball player of all time... OK...

I need a ESPN styled “30 for 30" on the history of “Before I Let Go.” I have no idea how that one particular song became so popular.

In defense of Nadeska, was she really trying to shut down the convo tho? She let Vince say what he had to say. Her failed objections to me seemed to be her just doing the due diligence to cover her own ass.

I was expecting to hate the song off the rip because it was taylor and she’s consistently mediocre af but honestly she didn’t sound that bad in her return to her country roots.

For HBCUs, my suggestion would definitely be Spelman. My sister went there and,while she is not gay, she is a very strong (extremely vocal) feminist ally of the LGBTQ+ community. Alot of that feminist awakening occured due to her attendance at Spelman (also at this international boarding school she attended prior, but

Maybe, but between the video and the statement that has been released, at best, the situation reeks of unabashed toxic masculinity.

What is there to consider for discussion?! He died! He’s gone! He can no longer harbor ill will towards any more black women. He’s dead, his children no longer have a father, another community has lost one of their own way too soon. What else is there to say:

I’m going to lump together my response to your points 1-3:

1) Ok, Facebook and Amazon send me ads about how all my friends really love Candy crush? Wow, I’m manipulated. Look, I’m always a tad wary of huge conglomerates and corporations but I’m going to need specific examples about how scared I should be of posting an Easter pic of my niece.

Wow that was a lot.

Taylor Swift is a liar

Here is my issue with everything you are saying: Your strategy is unsustainable.

Yo this comment... there is no reason to be this combative. Yes, this article suggests a modest, heteronormative standard that does not at all represent all potential types of romantic and/or sexual relationships between consenting adults.

Bragging about charity v.s. Not doing anything. I’ll choose the former everytime. Screw respectability. If rappers/athletes/actors/businesses were all bragging about donating to charity, their bravado would be worth it.