
How? By promotion? That logic basically condemns any business that gives to charity.

What about for doing what 95% of the rest of the people are unwilling to do: Anything

I’ve been out of it today, but at what time did the Council of Dictionary Denotation, change the definition of “True” to mean “Best”? ‘Cause there is a difference. Seat at The Table is great and a piece of art. Lemonade was also good... and art.

There is no comparison of Killmonger to any of those revolutionaries (except possibly Nat Turner). But, even with Nat Turner, his killing of white people, even women and children, was borne out of necessity and desperation. Killmonger was going to blitzkrieg the entire globe even though he had the firepower and the

You are looking at his actions without the proper context:

Agree with this article 100% (except the part about Wakanda being unable to win. If it united with Pan-Africanist allies around the world, it would be possible but the cost- i.e. the mutual destruction of black Americans and our diaspora kinfolk through retaliatory ethnic cleansing, forced emigration, forced

Also, Killmonger and his crew will pop up hella late and insist on performing a strolling ritual the entire rest of the party... or until they drink up the rest of the liq.

So basically what you’re saying is that I would never attend an all-tribal Wakandan cookout ‘cause: the Jabari will insist on being on the grill but won’t actually start preparing to cook until 6:30 (when the day party was from 4-8). T’challa and his boys will anticipate this and will have food (but specifically just

So basically, you don’t fux with Monique so you can’t empathize/sympathize/be decent with what is clearly B.S. and insulting to a legend (yeah, a legend. Maybe not “thr most decorated comedian of all time” but Monique has been in this game a long time and has earned her “I paid my dues, y’all Mofos will Pay me for my

This is an odd critique. Donald Glover has pretty much universal acclaim for being one of the most technical and clever rappers out there in the mainstream. But, I could agree with you if you’re speaking purely on the subject matter of his songs. But, if that’s the case, I would recommend you listen to Awaken, My Love

True, except when you plead your case on social media begging people to support your own movement (#NotMe) and not even considering the fact that maybe some of the more problematic aspects of your life and career might give people pause.

Maybe she wanted to blow him, but not fuck him. If a woman allows you to go down on them and then when you proposition her, she goes down on you, guess what: that might be all she wants to do.

Am I the only person who likes ghosting in a group? I fee like there are very few emotions better than being at a lame party or a party thats winding down, looking around at your crew, the random people you just met but instantly fux with, or that person of interest you’ve been talking to and saying, “Hey, you (y’all)

I wouldn’t say his entire brand is “woke feminist ally.” (Especially if you know the Randy character from his standup). His brand is more “I’m a modern good dude who understands the basic concept of feminism and i try to just not be an a-hole to women/lgbt people/people of color, in general.”

All of you guys are missing the point. Jet Pharoah is not a Black Transformers name. Nova Maximus is definitely a Black Transformers.

This makes me really wish i had gone to a black (or at least with a significant black population) high school. ‘Cause I got into multiple Ivy League schools but ABSOLUTELY could not celebrate that initially because all those white kids were stressful and bitter.

The Snowy Day was definitely the blackest Christmas related thing that I’ve experienced since Kem’s Christmas album a few years back.

Someone needs to put respect on Richard Wright’s name! James Baldwin’s work was a response and analysis in reference to Wright’s novel, Native Son.


*Can a brotha get some help getting out of the greys, tho*