Bruce F. Webster

There’s a level on which my favorite part of this is the official press release containing the sentence “We are not screwing around, Philly.”

Can we start referring to these planets as M-class planets now?

This Krull?

“There are not two separate editing rooms; they are all in there with their ideas,” one source told the publication. “Tony’s a strong force, but they’re all working together.”

But do they floss?

I appreciate the well reasoned, extended metaphor, but all I got out of it was a strong hankering for cookies.

That is the most real, authentic, hysterical laugh of my entire life!

[slow clap] that was perfect.

I see what you did there.

io9 is total Marvel fanboys, man. They crap all over DC and it’s a conspiracy.

Ah... Reactionary reshoots. Always a great way to make a movie. A lot of the problems with the movie really do sound like an executive desperately trying to win back an audience.

something about my browser is screwed up and I can’t post images. Therefore you’ll need to imagine a Citizen Kane clapping gif.

He’d probably draw Greedo shooting first on every page.

And make some changes with jarringly inappropriate stuff off a Wacom Tablet that is all super photo-shoppy and doesn’t look at all like the original pencils.

Mark Brooks should sell it to Lucas, but only under the condition that he would be allowed to go back and add to or erase panels (or entire pages) as he sees fit years later.

Conversely, this could be his way of making sure "all the original prints were destroyed." Then he'll get some colored pencils and draw in stupid shit as a Special Edition.

“What if we did the Avengers, but with lesser known characters and none of the setup movies?”