Bruce F. Webster

This statement will never stop being hilarious to me. I’m sorry.

I remember enjoying this version more.

This looks like an immensely bad film that I would have watched 10 000 times as a tween.

ScreenRant, why do you insist on trolling us with these demonstrably wrong, stupid, and otherwise bad opinions?

You know what ol’ Kurt Russell always says...

I didn’t really care which character he’s playing, they had me as soon as they said “Kurt Russell”...

Yes! I was looking for this chart, thank you.

Correction noted, thank you. Then again...

I would think that they could come up with better names than “Very Large Telescope” and “Very Large Array”.

Our nearest GALACTIC neighbor would be Andromeda(or perhaps the Magellenic clouds).

Pretty sure you’re talking about our nearest STELLAR neighbor.

So our nearest stellar neighbor, then.

If they really want to find planets in the Goldilocks zone, I would suggest looking at stars in the Ursa Major or Ursa Minor constellations.

When I first read that I thought it said, Mission hopes to find the Godzilla Zone.

Oh, talk about the granddaddy of memes — Suicide Squid goes back a quarter-century to those glorious Usenet days on rec.arts.comics.misc. Some poster asked about the latest issue of “Suicide Squid” and instead of correcting him, the posters ran with it, creating references to specific adventures and issues and

Heh. I misread that and thought ‘Suicide Squid.’

So sad that such a prolific author is so poorly adapted in modern cinema. Asimov created a rich universe - so many stories, novels and series; all set in the same continuity.

Beat me to the punch. As an avid fan of Isaac Asimov “I, Robot” was a huge disappointment to me. Seemed more like a very long advertisement with an I, Robot-esque story shoe-horned in.

looking forward to the actual, completely different synopsis.