Bruce F. Webster


Next up, same thing, but crowded movie theater.

Now, if only we could bring Jack back and they could battle in VR for eternity...

Oooh, yesss! This film made my blood run cold and gave me literal goosebumps, soo scary, and yet not a drop of blood in it. I showed it to my 14 y/o daughter, who was into slasher movies at the time and she thought she was cool with everything and she practically shouted at me how could I let her watch it, afterwards,

I had a feverish hallucination (or a real ghost encounter?) influenced by this scene when I was sick in bed as a kid.

This also illustrates a moment after you’ve awoken from a bad dream where you can’t move, and your brain is screwing with you...

Wow, I forgot about that, but it did shake me up as a kid.

There was a scene in this movie when a face suddenly appears in a door or something during a very tense scene, and a girl in the theater screamed so f*cking loud that the whole theater burst out lauging.

And Skywalkers. Somehow.

Rens Flaire?

It probably involves building a moon-sized weapon that can destroy planets.

that would be cool, especially if he had idolized his other grandparent

Fair cop, but on the other hand “Sweet Godzilla on a Segway!” is now my new favorite non-swearing exclamation of surprise.

Darker, grittier and more realistic doesn’t always work.

Came here for this.

The same was said about Fantastic Four shortly before it opened, and during its opening weekend.