Bruce F. Webster

“gender of its cast, its rebooting of a beloved franchise, or basically just existing” - I think my issue is it just doesn’t look very good. To me the franchise has always been about humor, cool science, and scary ghosts, but I haven’t laughed at the trailers yet, the science looks dumb (ghost punchers and bear

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Amazing theme music is necessary for Spider things.

Seeing his performance in Civil War, you can see that he’s owning the role and OWNING IT. He will do well.

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I just hope they have the awesome theme music.

Tom Holland looks a lot like the Nicholas Hammond Spider-Man.

Jesus, it’s only 18 miles across? I expected earth sized — or would that be a solar mass white dwarf?

Just think — the orbiting black hole pair which created the first gravity waves to be discovered were approaching the speed of light just before merging. Space is cool. And scary. And unknowable. And big. And..and..I need to sit down...

Too much sexual tension...

Giant space crabs of course.

The problem is the courts. They always automatically that Marvel is the bad guy when it’s just trying its best to get by. Wasn’t Marvel there for Kl’rt’s birthday? WASN’T IT, KAREN?!?

Sorry. Slipped at the end, there.

Fox has done a good job of badmouthing Marvel to the Skrulls, they really hate their visits.

It’ll be Coulson. :p

That’s a shit deal. Marvel needs to stop being cheap with its child support.

Marvel has the Skrulls every other weekend and Thanksgiving, but not Christmas.

My last benchmark game was Doom 3.

yep its proven the leak is right everybody be ready for the BIG DANCE NUMBER

The only winning move is to not play.

Male Statue of Liberty?

The wonderful thing about this movie? If it’s good then the people who have supported it get to be insufferable. If it’s bad then the people who have been negative since day one get to be insufferable. If it hangs somewhere in between, humanity will wipe itself out.

I can't wait until this finally comes out so we can confirm that it's bad without being called misogynist.