Bruce F. Webster


NO! Jamey Sheridan was awesome.

I mean, the sentiment is right but now you’ve reminded me of that scene so, y’know, thanks

I was driving late one evening while listening to the audiobook of “IT” a few years ago when I came to an intersection and had to stop for a red light. This just so happened to be right at one of the more tense moments of the book. As I sat waiting for the light to change, a balloon floated past the front of my car. I

I assume they’re going to do what the made-for-TV version did and just kind of skip over THAT scene, right?

the 80's man...pants were tight, serifs were big, hair was wild, it was crazy man, crazy

Needs more stars.

It’s so Spielberg they’ve already gone back and digitally replaced the guns with walkie talkies!


Everybody talks about the Jovian weather, but nobody does anything about it.

They’re like its own little yamulke!

Now playing

let’s take a moment to enjoy The Riker Maneuver

movie about the deadly “Worm Flu,”so-called because it makes you vomit worms.

Without Dr. Smith, the original would have just been Leave it to Beaver in space. He’s the X-factor. He shakes things up. Yeah, he was annoying sometimes, and there’s no way they wouldn’t have killed him about a million times. But people also love the character (I do!) and expect him. I think he could be made more

Perhaps this guy is available? Has to known to star in a Sci-fi or two.

I got your first cast member sign up right here:

These Mondo sons of bitches...