
Still boycotting Jimmy John’s for the founder hunting exotic animals for sport.

Burton is a genuine treasure of a human being.

pluses: Tom Cruise gets killed alot. Emily Blunt looks incredibly badass. Did I mention Tom Cruise gets killed alot?
minuses: super weak and generic Hollywood love ending.

Is it too soon to set up my Tivo for her inevitable ass kicking of Rubio during the debates?

Jesus. Look at the size of that monstrosity.

The answer is always Motown, 80's New Wave and Bowie. Teach them the classics and build upon that.

I mean, it’s great they are getting compensation, but even this number doesn’t seem like enough.

Welcome back Salty! We all missed you!

I think I speak for every person tired of the NRA causing havoc in peoples’ lives:

Cook your bacon in the skillet first and retain a bit of the grease (not a ton), then use a wooden spoon the scrape up the bottom. Now scramble the eggs in that bacon-y goodness.

Hard agree. She does look great and I’m glad she’s maintaining control over how she looks.

Honestly, I’m torn between saying, “Good. I’m glad these assholes are getting sued” and “WTF fellow white people. It’s not hard to be a non-asshole” so I’ll just say both. I sincerely hope the poor man gets some relief.

Now playing

Anytime someone declares themselves funny, I immediately think of the Lieutenant from Good Morning Vietnam. This guy isn’t funny either, but at least isn’t really gross while not being funny.

Instead of talking about him, can we just point, laugh, harass and annoy him alot?

Color me not surprised.

Seriously, who in sports is more of a badass these days?

Look at all that liberty.

A PT Cruiser and Prowler could have both been brilliant if there could have been the equivalent of a “Hellcat” version of both. The both looked like they should run like a bat out of hell, and both just ran like hell instead.

As great as Dave Bautista is (seriously, his brief time in Blade Runner was the best acting in the whole movie), and I wish him all the success, Snyder is just a bad director. He’s great at creating a look, but he lacks the ability to tell a story, focus on the things that really matter and discard those that don’t,