
100 fucking trees? Why not go to the nursery, look at the trees, then drive home in your three-ton Bentley? Basically its the same net effect. 100 fucking trees. Get out of here with that stupid shit.

Please don’t show this to my wife. Some wives love purses. Mine loves weird Citroens, and my retirement fund isn’t that good to deal with the fallout of her seeing this.

This is disappointing. Ever since Joan Allen sat down to lunch with Gary Oldman in the Contender, I assumed the Congressional dining hall was a posh affair full of porterhouses and spicy penne.

This might be sacrilege, but I think that’s prettier than the modern Astons.

I almost referenced Spaceballs in my original post. You are absolutely right about that. I want a baby Yoda flamethrower.

Fuck baby Yoda. He’s a merchandise delivery system. There. I said it. Seriously though, fuck him.

This was supposed to accompany my comment above:

I want a Thriller dance routine. Come on Seahawks. I know you can do it.

The only right answer

Seriously, F anyone who goes after kids. Anyone who attacked Wade’s son has some serious issues and needs to look inward as to why that bothered them so much. F them. On a side note, Wade, once again, has shown why he’s one of the best things in sports. Cheers dude.

If your cranberry sauce isn’t shaped like the can, you’re doing it wrong. :-)

Oh I totally got that. That falls under the “politics were shit” category. I know that’s always been there, and it’s always been shit. 

Lindsey Graham used to be someone, even though his political opinions were shit, still seemed to be someone who actually cared for the country. Even though his political opinions were shit, he came to those beliefs honestly. I’ve covered him a lot, especially when he was running for President during the Iowa caucuses.

I used to play as a kid, and even played a bit of a computer game back when there were 8-bit graphics. Is there a good D&D computer game (mac) or IOS game? I don’t care about super graphics or the actual combat with button mashing. I good iOS game to play on the train ride would be great.

The barista should have been put on paid administrative leave pending an investigation.

This is true of white grandmas too. So funny. :-)

I thought Clarkson punching a producer over a bad sandwich plate is what killed the car show.

Let be real here, first Michael, you are a badass. Second, one doesn’t need to have overcome all that to see they playing fields aren’t level. If a white dude from Iowa like me knows it’s not a level playing field, than Pete can as well. If it’s not a lie on his part, it’s at least intellectually lazy which is almost

It may only work two days before it dies, but oh what those two days would feel like.

I watched this and was flabbergasted. The dudes in the car deserve a hearty handshake for keeping their cool. I don’t know if I could have. Well done, gentlemen.