
This is some next-level badassery

It’s the zen triangle of clickbait.

How many of those job cuts would be second jobs? 1.3 million jobs cut does not mean 1.3 million people out of work.

It gets better!!!

Yes, but I’m one of the olds, so it was obvious to me.

The inevitable culmination of the “Stand Your Ground” laws. Horrific.

It’s not very realistic. I can’t see her nipples.

The bishops pay better

Hahaha. Fuck those racists

This is fucking gorgeous. That red is everything. I will sell my children to Nike so I could buy one. 

My wife allows me to have a crush on her since she isn’t a stick either. She also seems to be a really sweet person. 

Is it anti-American to drink a Guinness during the match? #ReallyImportantQuestion

What is the dumb fuck kind of belief is that? Is it two years ago he saw the first homeless person? Holy hell, man. 

There are so many things I hated about this car when it came out. “It’s got a Hemi!”is code for mouth-breather.

Such a badass. :-)

Miso and French Onion in the same squad? That’s a runaway winner.

Am I the only one that thinks it’s silly this is even needed? How petty of a jackass does one need to be to discriminate because of hair. Fellow white people: stop being racist assholes. Just stop. Really. Any time now.

Just as insightful as blaming the father for his daughter drowning. I was saying that to Ken Cuccinelli, not the author writer. That wasn't clear before. 


I couldn't agree more. Perfect assessment down the line.