
I just threw up a little bit. I just hope she isn’t expecting anything more than mushroom dick.

Thank you for your service.

I love the Coen brothers, but Ballad left me bored and watching the clock until it was over. I kept hoping something would come along and make the stories all worthwhile in the end. The first story was really enjoyable with the blending of humor and macabre, but the rest were utterly forgettable. The only saving grace

The bird light is reason enough to buy one.

I despise huge vehicle like this. Every time I see something like this, it’s just the driver and a lot of empty space. The driver almost never knows how to park or back up, and is a nuisance for everyone who doesn’t drive a monster vehicle.

Is it acceptable for Mike to go Christmas shopping when the cashier is a woman? He has to hand her cash…alone…and their hands may accidentally touch…alone…and the cashier is a woman…alone.

This is layer, upon layer of disregard for human decency. I’m going to go out on a limb and say the criminal justice reform does nothing to help this.

Fuck, I’m old.

He looks like a bell pepper that’s been sitting in the grocery store for too long. 

I honestly didn’t’t think I could love Michelle Obama more than I already did.

Losing may suck, but you just lost your job. PERIOD!

It only works if you don’t have MAGA coworkers who think unions are the work of Ché.

who is currently doing a passable job of pretending to be an NFL head coach”

Anyone else misread the app as Pillowfart?


What an asshat

As I read this and other coverage of the beating, I feel an incredible amount of pity the the officer (and everyone else they beat) and hope that this is a serious wake up call to police forces across the country. This may come across heartless and crass, I don’t mean it to be, perhaps this officer’s sacrifice will be

Melania also experienced “tremendous personal growth”when she went missing for a month.

“Democrat Congresswoman”