
It is! He tops that after the credits.

I saw this a few days ago.. He tops 192 miles doesn't he ?

Zombie** ..Zumbi is portuguese (my bad),

I AM LEGEND zumbi NY taxi driver

Esse photoshop é daqui ó:

Plz Jalopnik do this here in Brazil!

The headline made me LOL..

At first glance I thought it was Top Gear attempt for an SUV lol

These are the images from Mclaren

Plz stop this design madness...


The best car for starts is the evo.. than in the end you get a nice 911 turbo... in the final stage you have to have a viper (mine was This is the perfect car for tthe airport freeways.. great game

Some parts, especially in the tunnels, reminded me of this game:

I just watched "Picking the 2013 Best Driver's Car!" from Motortrend.

It was pretty and was working =/, no complains.

Audi needs a R8 replacement ASAP..


I'm not trolling, Just trying to help making the article more appealing for all.

Lol tks =).

The text of the physicist should be shorter in some ways..